Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
Desde especialistas en educación de idiomas a empresarios , antiguos actores, pintores e incluso profesores japoneses residentes en el extranjero - lee lo que este diverso grupo de profesionales en Cafetalk tiene que decir.
Alexander Tutor Interview
Hi! It’s great to have this interview! Some essential things to start off knowing about myself is that I live in California, I’m married with a Japanese wife and am very passionate about learning language. I am a native English speaker, fluent in Spanish and consider myself to have a decent knowledge of Japanese to use in daily life. Cafealk has been a great experience so far because I love meeting new people and sharing unique cultural perspectives on language. -
Kebii Tutor Interview
Another feature is that for students who are interested in learning Chinese, they can also request the lesson here. For beginners, I would go over the pin yin (pronunciation) chart first as this is the first thing to remember when learning Chinese. We would then work on vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. If you are looking to learn Chinese, feel free to request this lesson.Featured Lessons
15min 500
35min 7,500
35min 7,500
カフェトークで英語の発音および音読の指導を行うMeg講師のインタビューページです。海外での長期滞在や留学の経験はないながらもきれいな発音を習得。その習得方法や日本人にありがちな発音の癖などについて聞きました!Featured Lessons
30min 1,200
30min 1,200
30min 1,500
Allison Tutor Interview
Speak it as much as possible. In English, we say, “practice makes perfect”, and it’s absolutely true! However, many people often don’t know anyone else in their city who speaks that language. That's why Cafetalk is such a wonderful place, because it gives people many opportunities to practice their foreign language.Featured Lessons
Cait Tutor Interview
My favorite thing about Buddhism is the idea of learning to live in and accept the present moment, and I especially like the concept that instead of turning away from whatever is uncomfortable or negative, we should face it and be with it in order to accept it and finally find a way to move through and past it, while learning something and becoming stronger.Featured Lessons
15min 0
30min 2,000
30min 2,000
日本の韓国語学校で講師として働きながら、オンラインでも韓国語を教えるitoanna講師のインタビューページです。韓国語以外にも日本語はネイティブ級で英語は流暢。日本と韓国の違いや外国語学習のポイントなどを聞きました!Featured Lessons
25min 900
25min 1,000
25min 800
Umi Tutor Interview
I concentrate on making students feel comfortable when students are so nervous in the first lesson. I try to create a relaxed situation for students so that they will start speaking without getting nervous. I try to be flexible and choose the appropriate speed and the vocabularies for the students. -
カフェトークで韓国語を教えるDahee講師のインタビューページです。初心者でも安心なオリジナルテキストを使用したレッスンが特徴。住んでいる街や自身が日本語を習得した方法、韓国語学習のコツなどをご紹介します!Featured Lessons
25min 1,100
50min 2,000
Kresimir Tutor Interview
Croatian language is part of South-Slavic language family and it is very similar with other Slavic languages. If you have learned some other Slavic language, like Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovakian, Czech, Serbian or other, it would be very easy to catch basics of Croatian language. Croatian is very different than Japanese language and I really admire the effort of my Japanese students. I learned from one of my Cafetalk student that word “soba” means “noodles” in Japanese, the same word means “room” in Croatian -