Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview

Dani L.

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Dani L. Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Dani! Would you like to give us a short self-introduction?

A. Hello! I’m a teacher, a total language geek, and a newlywed. I’d like to tell you why I became a teacher. I had a difficult childhood and as a result, I never did well in school. I was always behind, disrupted class, and never tried to learn. I just assumed that I was dumb, and most teachers simply labeled me as a “problem child.” However, some teachers saw my strengths and inspired me to do well and succeed. Knowing what a big difference a good teacher can make, I decided that I wanted teach so that I can encourage others to learn, no matter what their life circumstances are. Apart from being a teacher, I am also a certified make-up artist. I’ve done some freelance make-up work in the past, but I enjoy teaching far more!

Q. According to your profile, you are living in Montreal, QC. Could you tell us about your current city?

A. Yes! I’m originally from Vancouver, BC, but I live in Montreal now. We have an amazing subway system here. We call it the “Metro.” I’m terrible with directions, but the Metro is so easy to use that even I can find my way around! It gets quite cold here, but because we basically have an underground city, you can often travel without going outside too much – it’s great! The Canadian dish, poutine, originated here. It consists of french fries, melted cheese curds, and hot gravy poured all over it. MMM! I want to eat some right now! There is quite a variety of food here; for example, we have plenty of restaurants that serve Lebanese, Indian, Greek, Ethiopian, French, and Italian cuisine. In summer, there are many festivals and outdoor activities that you can attend. For example, there are free movies that play on a jumbo-sized screen in the middle of downtown; there’s live public music around the city, and many cultural festivals. In winter, people can enjoy hockey, tobogganing, and ice-skating on rivers, lakes and indoor ice rinks!

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I enjoy cooking, writing, painting, fishing, and taking walks or hikes with my husband. I also like learning facts about English. Learning about a language is an eternal process, so although English is my mother tongue, there is always something new to learn. For example, I might spend time looking up the history of a word or phrase, read about recent changes in English grammar, or study Middle English text, which is very different from modern English! Recently, I also joined a non-profit organization called End Poverty Now. I am their content and copy editor. I’ve always wanted to help the poor and needy in some way, so I was very happy to have found this organization, which helps fund sustainable, community-led projects that help end poverty, and help people develop important skills. Apart from that, I spend a lot of time talking to my sister. Along with my husband, she’s basically my best friend, and she’s super smart and funny (I’m trying to make her tutor on Cafetalk, too!)

Q. I’m interested in your lesson, “English Comes Alive!” Please tell us about the lesson details.

A.Oh! I love teaching “English Comes Alive!” In this lesson, I generally target 2 – 5 different language skills using activities and games. After the first lesson, I get a feel for what my student needs, and then I plan the next lesson based on that. Here’s an example what might be on the lesson:
• Fun warm up quiz on certain grammar points
• Read aloud and story discussion (vocabulary + expressions)
• Listening activity: follow verbal instructions (for example, I once gave instructions on how to make a mushroom omelet, and my student pretended to make it)
• Pronunciation! (target specific sounds + tongue twisters)
The activities in the lesson vary depending on the day, and on my students’ interests. Whatever is on the menu, there is a LOT to learn. It’s an action packed lesson, full of many learning objectives, and it flies by fast! This lesson is easily adapted to different learning levels, so beginners and advanced learners alike can enjoy this lesson.

Q. What is the biggest feature of your lessons?

A. My lessons are extremely well planned and organized, there’s no time wasted, and I enjoy forming a trusting relationship with my students. When students trust the teacher, they feel free to ask questions, and know that it’s okay to ask the same question repeatedly until they understand. Another important feature of my lessons is the quality of my follow-up reviews. My reviews are meticulous, complete with footnotes that offer extra or supplementary information. Because of my detailed feedback, students not only learn during my lesson, but after it as well. I’m so happy to know that some of my students print out my reviews and put them in a folder for self-study!

Q. Please leave a message to Cafetalk students!

A.From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all the students who I’ve met on Cafetalk. I’d also like to give a special shout-out to my regular students. I am sincere when I say that I very much appreciate your friendship and your thirst to learn. All of you make me laugh, feel warm, and motivate me to become a better teacher. Of course, I also look forward to meeting new students as well! Please don’t stop learning. Sometimes you might not think so, but you are improving every time you take a lesson, or spend time learning on your own. Learning is a long journey, so let’s have fun together on this journey and make it worth something. P.s. I suggest that you look up all the words that you didn’t know in this interview. Active learning helps you remember new facts better! Yours Truly, Dani L. <3


Dani L.
