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Real Estate Transaction Specialist
Completed Statistical Certificate 2 級
Certified Property Manager
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Moja_Sensei 講師的自我介紹


Hello! I'm Moja_sensei, a business coach and studying coach. > >click and jump to my Japanese lesson  I also run a company, and while I still have a lot to learn, I want to do something to help others learn. I am currently learning Italian and Chinese. I am also an expert in IT, DX and Data Science, which is something I learn every day.

Let’s try for Qualification test this year. I will be here to help you! If you work hard, you will pass your exams! You can either try the Teacher Qualification Examination or the Teacher Recruitment Examination.

For example, a building contractor.
I will do my best to help you, as I have actually passed the “Qualification examination for real estate transaction agent” quickly and in one go. Once you have passed the exam, it is valid for life. How about working on it as a sideline or as an opportunity to change jobs? It's also useful for basic knowledge of real estate management.
Another recommendation is to become a certified Real Estate Agent, which became a national qualification since 2021. This is now less difficult than the building contractor license, and it is safe to assume that the needs of the public will increase. This qualification is particularly recommended for those in the real estate industry who are involved in the rental business or private accommodation, and for property owners (landlords). I can also help you in obtaining the Real Estate Agent qualification within my lesson for Rental Property Management. I can also help you with other qualification exams. In addition, I can support you on your lifelong learning process, not only for the purpose of obtaining a qualification, but also for the purpose of acquiring it.

If you are going to study, you are going to pass!

In my case, I studied on my own while working as a normal employee and was able to pass the qualification exam. The best thing to do is to start 3 months before the exam (in the case of building contractors), but you can do it longer or shorter to increase your pass rate sufficiently.
When I was studying on my own, I sometimes felt anxious. Even if I go to school, the students next to me are my rivals, and how much do you think your teachers know about you and how much advice they can give you?
 If you tell your friends that you've been slacking off on your studies, they'll say, "That's tough" but few will say "You can't pass the exam like that; keep it together!”. I've been thinking that I'd like to have some real support, not just mental support, so I'm taking on that role for you! I'll do my best to support you, to make your efforts pay off. Let's work together!

So why is Moja_Sensei a Real Estate Agent?
It all started when I was working as an employee at a foreign consulting company and opened a side business in real estate (so-called private residence). Although the qualification was not essential for the scope of my side job, I wanted to have more knowledge. I also realized that I didn't know much about the Civil Code, the most familiar law in the world, and I wanted to learn more about it.

Now, I know from experience. Many qualification exams are designed to help ordinary people enter the professional area. Normally, you should be able to take them after studying by yourself. On the other hand, I often hear people around me say that the exam for a registered real estate agent is difficult. In fact, many people in the real estate industry take the exam, but over 80% of those who take it still fail. What does this mean?

I will publish tips on how to pass the Real Estate Examination and many other national examinations. By reading this, you will acquire the ability to pass. It is important for your results.

Attending a prestigious qualification school does not give you any assurance.
Studying for exams is like muscle training, it is not just about understanding it, it's about actually getting it right. And that's where self-study makes all the difference. It is now common knowledge that every good athlete has a coach.

Even if you have the potential to pass the exam, if you use your time and effort in the wrong way, you still won't pass. Unfortunately, it is not enough to simply spend time and be satisfied by it.

The main topic. The “Qualification examination for real estate transaction agent” is a "competition" and therefore speed of answering and learning efficiency is very important. This is something you should be aware of before proceeding with your studies. It may seem like studying for studying's sake, but Moja_Sensei believes that because the qualification is directly related to "work", it requires "knowledge that can be used immediately". And for better or worse, it's not about passing the exam with a few tricks. Here are three additional points:

In order to speed up the process, you need to spend less time thinking. Make sure you know the key points and understand the typical patterns. There will definitely be parts that need to be memorized. I will teach you how to memorize them and I will adjust the teaching method to fit each of the students.

You have a limited amount of time to study. On the other hand, there is a huge amount to learn. If you don't study to cover all the areas of the exam, you won't stand a chance in the exam. You need to keep moving forward and not stand still.

The sooner you get back on track, the easier it will be. It is a good idea to study for the exam while objectively checking how you are improving your skills. Ideally, you should check how much you’ve advanced as many times as possible and review your work from as many different angles as possible, as you can't change your course of study in one day.

If you answer correctly on items where everyone else can score and incorrectly on items where everyone else fails - in other words, if you are "the same as everyone else" - you are far from passing. So what can you do? You need a strategy. Each individual has different areas of strength, so you need to be clear about where you can develop and where you can leave behind (put off). This may not be obvious in the early stages. During your study period, you will need to objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses and make changes to your style (e.g. change your strengths). In addition, it is not advisable to just leave behind your weak points. It is important to note that you will have a tough time if you focus on only one area, no matter how good you are at it.

There is a lot to be gained by taking the long way run in life, but
there is no need to take the long way in qualifying exams, pass with minimum effort. The exam is easy to handle, fair and achievable in that it reflects your efforts. I will help you to find the approach that would best fit you.
If you have already made up your mind to become a certified real estate agent, please request a "regular" lesson. If you are still undecided about taking the exam this year, if you are unsure about the suitability with the tutor, or if you would like to take a qualification exam other than the real estate one, please request a "pre-consultation"!

Do you know what day the exam is and when you can apply for it?

There have been two occasions when Moja_Sensei forgot to apply for the exam and missed the deadline.... (I was busy. That's my excuse. Also that delayed my exam by a year. And I actually did it twice. (T_T)) I also know someone who got the date of the exam wrong by a week. It's scary. Put it in your schedule now so you don't forget.

As a side note, Moja_Sensei is not against commuting or correspondence courses. You can take advantage of them. Besides, nowadays you can watch a lot of classes on Youtube. There are also sites where you can learn for free on your phone. Please ask me anything about them.

In case you are wondering, the data shows that about half of the students who attend a major real estate course fail. There is a difference comes from hands-on self-study. If you just watch and listen, you are not learning anything. I believe that the most important thing is to be aware of the importance of self-study, and that the most important thing is to be determined to pass. The next most important thing would be the "method".
In the end, I wouldn’t say that these are your own responsibility. But I do believe that if you had known, you could have worked harder.
Furthermore, recent research in neuroscience and genetics has shown that DNA has a strong influence on, for example, academic ability, memory, and the power of habit and will. So it's all down to genetics? Yes, that's a part of it. But it would be boring to think that that's all there is to it. Your birth and upbringing may have had an impact, but the fact is that you are here because you want to try. Moja_Sensei will teach/coach all the students so that they can look forward to success.

You may be thinking, "I need to study, but it's not easy…” Don't worry, it was the same for Moja_Sensei. So, you don't have to study every day. You can take a break. However, if you want to take 7 days off in a week, you might want to reconsider taking the exam in the first place. The truth is, the process of making new knowledge your own is fun, and Moja_Sensei is here to help you keep your determination and make it real. By the way, it doesn't matter how old you are (We have 80-90 year olds pass every year!).

Profile part 2,
If you are looking for a job, a career change, or just want to be more effective in your day-to-day online interviews and online meetings, then let me be your training ground. Moja_Sensei, who has nearly 20 years of experience in both domestic and international IT and consulting companies, is here to help. Online meetings require a different kind of communication than face-to-face meetings. The angle of your face, the color of your face, the tone of your voice and the actions you take should be taken into account. Of course, it's important to have substance.
I can also check if you are logical, passionate and if you’re able to make the points you want to make.

If you're going to give a presentation, make sure it's a presentation that gets across! That's where it all starts!


Profile part 3,
For people who are learning Japanese.

Are you confident in your ability to use Japanese at work?
The dilemma is that once you become fluent in a certain level of Japanese, the people around you will not be able to teach you the appropriate way to use the language. Many meetings in Japanese companies are now held in English, and you may not feel inconvenienced if you only speak English. However, if you can use Japanese, you will be able to work more smoothly and understand each other's work better. If you are looking to brush up your Japanese, Moja_Sensei has been working in the business world for 20 years, working with both foreign and Japanese teams, so please feel free to ask for help.

For many years I have been renting out houses for young foreigners to live in Japan, and I have been mainly supporting foreign students. I have a variety of experience in helping people to learn Japanese and to get through the formalities of living in Japan. I would like to help people to learn the Japanese language to help them with their examinations and to help them learn the Japanese language in order to live in Japan. I would also be happy to help people who are currently living abroad with any problems they may have when living, working or studying in Japan.

Currently, I work with my camera on and the student's camera on as well, but both cameras can be turned off (voice only).
I don't have ZOOM connection at the moment, but it is possible to have lessons via ZOOM. Please feel free to let me know if you have any requests.

Favorite Quotes:
- If you make no failures in life, you fail in life (Shigeta Saito)
- Create your own opportunities and let them change you (Hiromasa Ezoe)
- First people make habits, then habits make people (John Dryden)
- Saiou ga uma (Chinese legend)

#Management consulting
#Scientific approach
#Business consulting
Learning consulting
Business Japanese
Engineering English
#Statistics Test
#Marketing Automation
#Preschool Education
#Talented Education
#SAPIX Preparation
#Piano arrangements for children
#JAZZ saxophone
#Golf beginner
#Fish and aquarium
#Veranda food waste composting
#Balcony vegetable garden
#Homemade spiced curry
#Recording diet
#Real Estate
#Too many interests


Cafetalk Translation / February 2022
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.



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    悪い習慣をやめ、良いとおもう行動を習慣に・・・したいですよね!? でも、それが難しいことも知っています。 肝心なのは、自分に合った方法を見つけることです。自分によって自分を変え、自信をもって生きましょう。 こちらは、2回分のコーチングをお得にまとめたパックレッスンとなります。
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