언제나 편안한 분위기에서 즐겁게 대화하며 많은 것을 알려주시는 선생님입니다 :)
자유롭게 대화하면서 어색한 문법을 수정해 주시거나 원어민들이 더 자주 사용하는 표현들을 채팅으로 바로 알려주셔서 항상 새로운 배움이 있습니다. 한국어도 정말 잘 하셔서 저의 일본어가 부족할 때는 한국어로도 설명해 주셔서 정말 감사합니다^^
Tsubaki's lessons have hugely helped me to improve my Japanese vocabulary. Each lesson is well structured to focus on a particular area. She is patient and understanding when I make mistakes and helps me to correct myself. Tsubaki is also extremely friendly and kind, and we often have a laugh. I highly recommend her lesson!
謝謝大家一直以來對我的課程的支持。 我的工作即將要有轉換,平日的時段無法授課,也許只有六日的時間可以授課,所以目前的平日是無法預約的。 造成大家的困擾真的很不好意思,也謝謝大家這幾年來的關照,希望大家一切都能順順利利平平安安。 皆さん、いつも私のレッスンを応援してくださり、本当にありがとうございます。 今後、仕事の都合により、平日は授業を行うことができず、土日しか開講できないかもしれません。そのため、現在は平日の予約を受け付けておりません。 ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。そして、これまでのご愛顧に心より感謝いたします。皆さんがこれからも順調で、平穏無事に過ごせることを願っています。 Thank you all for your continuous support of my lessons. Due to changes in my work, I will no longer
Hi, my name is Erhan. I am a published writer with books in English, focusing on spirituality and mysticism. I have been dedicated to guiding people on their spiritual journeys, helping them heal, and illuminating the light within their lives. I believe that touching hearts is one of the most profound ways to bring transformation. There is a hidden connection from heart to heart—one that many are
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Teacher Judy
Melody cha