Hello, I am Judith and I have a 150 hr TEFL certificate. I want to be an ESL teacher because I want to make a difference in people's lives. I know that by helping students learn English, I am opening them up to varied international opportunities. Teaching gives me an opportunity to be a part of the growth in society. One person learning something new is an incredible feat which not just anyone can
Hello!My name is fukiko.I have taught Japanese in New Zealand, China and in Vanuatu.As a teacher of the Japanese language one of my pleasures is to see my students experience the Japanese culture and rich history through the learning of the language.The flow of khowledge can also go both ways and I am constantly learning from my students.I have prepared some basic lessons which I hope will intere
Hi!I am Yoroshiku, I live in Osaka, Japan. Favorite things Anything sweet in general!^^ Especially ice cream. However, I've been eating too much lately, and I've been trying to avoid it. (cry) I'm praying that some maker will make a ready-made ice cream with less sweetness. I also love sweets, cakes and bread. I want to eat a lot of them, but I can't because of my health. I also like listening to
Hello. My name is Shizuku and I play the Irish harp. I became familiar with music at a very young age. I started playing the electric organ when I was 3, and when I was in school I played flute for 6 years. I am very heavily influenced by relaxation music and songs from video games so I love the world of fantasy and magic. My story with the Irish harp began when I thought “I want play and sing fo
English is below!こんにちは!サキと申します。現在、兵庫県北部の田舎町で保育園の子供さんから、大人の方まで来ていただける書道教室を開講しています。Cafetalkでは、「字を綺麗にしたいな」「書道っておもしろそうだな」といった思いを持っていらっしゃる大人の方(中学生以上)の初心者向けレッスンと、小学生対象の習字レッスンをご提供します。■用いる筆記具・えんぴつ(小学生)/ペン字(大人)・中筆■レッスンの方針大人の方には一文字一文字丁寧に、字を美しく見せるポイントをお伝えし、日常少し意識するだけで成果を感じるようなレッスンに努めます。また、書道は「心のヨガ」と呼ばれるように、ヒーリング効果もあると言われています。忙しい毎日の中に少しだけ時間をとって、心を落ち着ける。癒し、楽しみとなるような時間を提供できればと願っています。小学生には、何より「字を書くことを継続すること、苦手だと
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TOMO yoga