Kaoru sensei is really kind! She always gives me a lot of chances to talk and leaves room for me to think, which I really appreciate, I think this is the art of teaching!
She also takes it slow and introduces new expressions that are very useful, and gives me a chance to use them again. I've been really enjoying her lessons and I highly recommend her!
Nice to meet you, my name is Kang Haejeong. I’ve been in Japan for 7 years since I got married. In Korea, I worked at a game company as a regular office worker. Now I am a new mother, raising a child and busy being a housewife. My daughter started kindergarten this year, so I finally have some time and energy to spare. This is why I wanted to teach Korean lessons on cafetalk again, wh
Thank you for visiting my profile. I have taken many lessons in the past. I have also worked for many years. I have raised my children. This is why I decided to start offering online lessons as I thought it was time to make time for others to enjoy and share what I love to do. Thanks to your support, I have been receiving more and more lesson requests. I became a certified instructor of Ta
Hello^^ I am reirjunko, a professional makeup artist. When I was in my 20s, I didn’t know how to apply makeup... When I applied makeup on myself, it made me look as if I had a Noh mask on. I attended a “makeup workshop” withthe desire to feel beautiful, andI still can’t forget how impressed I was when it was over. I no longer had any flushing on my cheeks, and my eyebrows
Hello! I’m Satomi, an active Eikaiwa (English conversation) teacher with 13 years of teaching experience. ^_^ I teach in classrooms every day, from classes for babies and their parents, to classes for senior-year high school students♪ I offer conversation lessons, grammar lessons, and EIKEN guidance. Some of my students have passed the pre-2 level EIKEN when they were in elementary school, so
【About this lesson】 みなさん、にほんごの べんきょうで こまっていませんか?このレッスンで、あなたの にほんご べんきょうの なやみを かいけつ しましょう! Are you having trouble studying Japanese?If you have, let's solve the problem in this lesson! たとえば、こんな ことで こまって いませんか? ◇日本語の会話練習をしたいけれど、練習相手が見つからない。 ◇JLPTを受けたいけれど、勉強の計画をうまくたてられなくてこまっている。◇日本語のアクセントをもっと勉強したいけれど、どのように勉強したらいいかわからない。◇敬語を正しく使いこなしたいけれど、難しくて困っている。 ◇日本語をひとりで勉強中だけれど、テキストの内容があまり理解できない。 ◇日本
Hello.My name is Mi, and I'm a Korean tutor who holdsa certificate for the National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter (for Korean) and N1 on the JLPT. Eight years have passed since I started teaching Korean after being recommended by a friend. So far, I have mainly given private lessons (80%), conversational group lessons (20%) at city halls and other places,private lessons to prepare f
Hello,My name is Yasmina and I live in Hungary. I am a qualified English teacher with a BA in English Language and Literature and I have been teaching English as a foreign language for over 20 years. I have also lived and worked in Serbia, Greece, and the UK. I am a near native speaker with a British accent. My students are mainly business professionals from various international companies, but a
Hello you! It´s great that you are here.Hola! Bienvenido a mi perfil de Cafetalk!Welcome to my profile. I will start by sharing some secrets about myself...I´m a stewardess... althought not currently working as one...and sometime in the past... I worked as an "extra" inside TV sets, filming series and commercials! That`s fun, isn´t it?Let me say I´m a world champion t
Nice to meet you! I’m Emma, a German language tutor. ★Self Introduction★ I graduated from the University of Jena in Germany. I majored in “Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a second language)“, which is equivalent to the Japanese language teacher training department in Japan, so I have expertise in teaching German to non-native speakers. I also experienced an educational internship at a unive
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Suzy K
Sachi Art
Ana Cristina
Nao Nomiyama
Ayumi H