Phillip is truly remarkable as a teacher. When I first took his lessons, I didn’t realize I would fall in love with reading and truly understand how to read. I’m so glad I embarked on this journey with him.
From short essays to mid-length novels, and now, we’ve just finished a Shakespeare play… it’s been a long journey for me, with many obstacles in reading and comprehension—each one of them has transformed me.
I’ve learned to read more deeply, both inside and outside the text (author background, historical context, etc.), to think in different ways from different perspectives, and to interpret characters' words and tones, among other things. It’s not just because I started reading, but also because Phillip kept discussing the topics and related things with me, guiding me on techniques and what to focus on, etc.
It’s always a pleasure to exchange thoughts on the works, and his humorous personality is definitely a plus. With Phillip, I can express everything I want to say and take notes without feeling judged.
It’s relaxing, fun, and inspiring… With Phillip’s reading lessons, you get it all!
こんにちは!hikaka_runと申します。私は人と話すこと、海外ドラマやアイドルが好きで、語学勉強を始めました。今は、韓国語と中国語を勉強しています!今まで学ぶ立場だけでしたが、 今度は教えることもやってみたく、日本語教師の資格を取りました。勉強しているのに、なかなか上達しなくて、もどかしい。。そのときの気持ちは、私も学習者として、よくわかります。皆さんの語学勉強の助けになれればと思います。日本語の授業はもちろん、韓国語の授業も大歓迎です。(TOPIK 6級取得)よろしくお願いします!안녕하세요.저는 hikaka_run이라고 합니다.많은 사람들과 이야기를 하는 것을 좋아해서 외국어를 공부하기 시작했습니다.지금까지는 배우기만 했는데 가르치는 것도 하고 싶다는 생각이 들어서 일본어 교사 자격증을 땄습니다 .열심히 공부 하지만 잘 못 해서 답답 하지 않을까요?그
こんにちは Yukikoと いっしょに にほんごを べんきょう しましょう。”みんなの にほんご”を べんきょう して いますか? Yukiko's method は すこし ちがいます。 I get ready to teach Japanese by my own text book. だいじょうぶです!! たのしいです! ************************************************* わたくしはyukikoと申します。東京の近く、神奈川県の横浜市に住んでおります。 標準語を話しますので、日本語のきれいなアクセントや 発音を教えることができます。 学校で習ったのに日本語がうまく話せない、言いたいことは言えるけど日本人同士の会話についていけない・・こういう経験はありませんか?私は使える日本語 を教えることが得意です。 私の生徒さんはゼロレベルから
Hello my name is Beverly and I love teaching as it is a passion for me and I have done it virtually since I left college as a teenager. I enjoy riding and running early in the mornings. With close to three decades of experience and as a certified Cambridge tutor I have worked with IELTS, PTE, TOEIC, ESOL, OET, Cambridge Checkpoint/ IGCSE and TOEFL students with a very good pass rate. Apart from
アワード投票コメント カフェトークアワード・2024年下半期 →
Kara Bird
Haggy Yoga
Phillip Knott
Yanina Yu