Hi! I appreciate your help to improve my English speaking skills! Thank you for your relaxation and fun classes, I continue to learn English. Furthermore, One of the best points of this class is not only the opportunity to practice speaking English but also to receive valuable tips on improving my English skills, all at a reasonable price
I enjoy taking Suja's lessons very much. What I like most about her is that she widens my perspective and knowledge with questions and new phrases. She also gives useful advise to progress my speaking skills.
大家好!我是德語講師Emma。★自我介紹★我畢業於德國的耶拿大學,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德語)」,也就是類似日本的日語教育。我具備教授外籍人士德語的專業知識,還曾在京都的大學實習1個月,期間擔任初中級德語會話班的講師。★關於課程★我的課很注重口說,具體而言就是不太會使用艱澀的文法。我會先讓學員記住日常生活中常用的說法,再去自然而然地習得文法規則,雖然不太適合想以文法為中心學習的人,但很推薦重視會話及對文法有點感冒的人預約。不只是語言,我也有提供能學到德語圈習俗及文化的課程。※詳細内容請看各課程之介紹。★興趣★我的興趣是學習外語和旅行,除了德語以外,我還會英語、法語、韓語及一點俄語和盧森堡語。針對有需要的學員,我也能提供外語學習建議。我也很喜歡吉祥物及動畫角色,我是職棒吉祥物、懶懶熊及寶可夢的粉絲。我特別愛寶可夢,動畫幾乎都是看德語版!感謝你看到最後,
Nice to meet you! I went to Germany without studying a word of German. I spent every single day not understanding what people were saying to me and not being able to express my thoughts, and it was really tough. After working as hard as I could every day, after one year I could understand what native speakers were saying and express my thoughts without stressing out. Now, I am currently working al
Although I am German i grew up bilingually with English, as many friends of my parents did not speak German.I am originally an archaeologist, but when I got married to a Japanese and moved to Japan in 1993 we opened a language school in Gunma. My husband was asked to go to Sri Lanka in 2006, so we gave up the language school and since then I teach English online.I teach basically everything - fro
Guten Tag 哈囉 ♡ 我是Vanessa,我是德義混血,目前住在德國的多塞道夫。 在2012年我完成了教德文的證照,另外也完成日文的學業。至此之後,我在澳洲、日本和德國都有教學經驗,不管是團體課程、私人家教或線上課程,我都有教過。 不管你是否是全新的初學者,或是想要複習及上進階課程或商用德語,我會針對你的需求調整課程喔! 經歷(摘要) Berlitz, Düsseldorf Goethe Institut, Tokyo Melbourne University, Melbourne L´Oreal Metro Group Bank of Tokyo Henkel 很期待可以在課堂上見到你喔! 【 Cafetalk翻譯 / 2020年8月 】 (*請注意:講師本人不會說中文,便於理解本簡介由Cafetalk代為翻譯。)
Hallo! My name is Emily and if you are looking for creative ways to improve your German speaking or writing skills you came to just the right place. I would describe myself as patient and open-minded, and my experiences in different fields of life, such as biology, music, theater and more, helpful to understanding the person I talk to and adapting to their needs. Teaching Experience
My name is M O E, and I love the German language! Thank you for visiting my profile page. Self Introduction I have written many essays, papers, and presentations in German during my graduate school years in Germany. I have also worked as a German to Japanese interpreter for German professors at music festivals, given German lessons to music exchange students, and helped them with th
各位學員,大家好!我是 David 。 我的母語是德語,我目前和日籍老婆住在日本秋田。 我擁有 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)證照,日語程度 N3(日語能力檢定)左右。 Sprache ist ein Schlüssel zum Herzen der Menschen! 語言是讓心靈互通有無的鑰匙☆★☆ 我希望能幫助你培養對德語的自然語感,協助你學習德國文化。 找工作、考證照需要德語?單純對德語、德國文化、歷史感興趣?無論你的目的為何,我都樂於提供配合你的需求及興趣的客製化課程。 我在日本已住了 3 年,也曾在日本企業工作過。 我喜歡在閒暇時刻到處旅行、泡溫泉♨、看英語連續劇。 非常期待能和各位一同學習德語,我會陪伴各位成長、走過這
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Raphaela I.
Stephen Brivati
Toshi 104T