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Tutor’s Columns

Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
Published 18 May, 2024 | View: 2243
一、“了”的几种用法   不少学习者都觉得“了”的用法比较难掌握,其实,汉语的“了”在句子中要有下面几种用法,把他们理解后,就比较正确的运用。   1、表示已经发生的情况   “了”常常用在句...
  汉语的发音很美,像其他语言一样,它有汉语独特的美。语言之所以是美的,因为它有整齐的美、抑扬的美、回环的美,这些美就像音乐一样。所以语言的形式美也可以说是语言的音乐美。 在音乐理论中,有所谓音乐...
学习汉语的健舌操:绕口令 xuéxí hànyǔ de jiàn shé cāo : ràokǒulìngTongue exercises for learning Chinese - tongu...
用轻松愉快的方式学习汉语yòng qīngsōng yúkuài de fāngshì xuéxí hànyǔTo learn Chinese in a relaxed and enjoyable ...
Chinese New Year is a major celebration in Chinese culture. 中国新年是中国文化中的一个重要节日。 This holiday marks t...

Profilo di Hua

Hi, My name is Hua from Beijing, China. 我是老北京人,说标准的普通话和老北京话。您想了解中国和北京文化吗?学说标准的普通话或老北京话吗?跟我学习,是最棒的选择!我教汉语中文时,可以用英语翻译解释和教学。It is a great choice for you to let us meet here as I can speak very standard Mandarin. And my advantage is that I can teach Mandarin with speaking English to translate.

I live in Beijing over 59 years since I was born. I worked in finance over 38 years in Beijing as well. And I live in Canada for 3 years, worked in finance in London, UK for one year. I have experience teaching some English-speaking foreigners about Mandarin already with my friends in China and Canada. I am always interested in helping others and making new friends. I have retired and have more time to do what I like which is to teach Mandarin and Chinese culture to foreigners.

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    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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