
Discover the scorching desert and Arabian resort! Let’s learn Arabic

Discover the scorching desert and Arabian resort!

Although Arabic writing has complicated and delicate shapes that almost look like art, It is used in 27 countries as an official language, and if including population who uses Arabic language just for religious purposes, Arabic speakers exceed 10 million. Major language, Arabic!

Arabic is spoken also at popular tourist resorts, such as Morocco, Egypt, and Dubai. Let’s learn world No.5 language and experience the exotic Arabian vacation and Islam world.

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Cafetalk's Featured Arabic Lessons

The multilingual tutor with Islamic culture background living in Morocco can teach you Arabic or Islam culture with beautiful British accent.

Arabic ! The language of the past, pres...

The Arabic Language is like a long standing old tree who bears many kinds fruit. Choose from this tree any fruit you like.Conversation - Reading - Wr...

45分 / 2,500点数



Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)

  This course is for the students who want to learn the formal language which is used in media, newspaper, literature and formal speeches in ...

60分 / 2,500点数



在线阿拉伯语 阿拉伯语

Arabic for Beginners

Marhaba! This course is useful for those who are visiting an Arab country or for those who would just like to learn Arabic for fun. Lessons cover: ...

50分 / 3,500点数



在线英语 英语

Understanding Muslim Culture

This course is at CEF B1 level and consists of 4 complete lessons. Lessons help you to: use basic expressions of greeting and conversation know ...

50分 / 3,500点数



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