Taku Sensei's N3 lessons are well prepared and I think about the lesson long after it has finished. The lesson feedback is great and Taku Sensei is professional and fun. His voice is very clear and lessons are very well organised. Taku Sensei uses screen sharing and I am always confident of the content I am working on. I would recommend these N3 lessons to anyone who is considering the JLPT exam and also for those who need Japanese for daily conversation.
Hello! I'm Azul_Maya from Japan, living in Mexico. Please call me Maya. I'm a bilingual Japanese and Spanish speaker and I work in Mexico as a translator, interpretor and tour guide. Furthermore, I have over 10 years of experience as a Japanese teacher. In university I specialized in educational psychology and continue to have an interest in teaching methology, languages and knowledge acquisiti
Hi, I am Bastien, your French teacher. JAPANESE availableI have one year experience teaching French in a famous Japanese platform. I Can teach from beginners to experts and I have experience to teach French to kids too.はじめまして。フランス語の教師のバスティアンと申します。日本語が話せますので、日本語でも説明ができます。日本でフランス語のオンライン教師として1年間で経験があります。子供にも大人にも1からペラペラのレベルまでフランス語を教える可能です。I like history and culture, so don't hesitate if you have any c
大家好!我是来自英国苏格兰爱丁堡,拥有 CELTA 证照的英语讲师。我也在台湾过了三个月,而在法国过了五个月。我有在线和实体教学经验,教过来自世界各地的学员,在课程上我们能一起度过一段快乐的时间!例如,我教授来自波兰的 3 位学员约 2 个月,我和他们感情变得很好,还创群组互相推荐电影。另外,我也有在教日语、中文和法语,我透过 E Tandem 语言交换平台,在线和多名语言交换伙伴聊过天。还和 1 位在线聊了 1 年多的语言伙伴实际见面,那真的是一个很刺激的经验!也因此我很习惯在线聊天,协助他人练习英语。和新朋友相见、歴史、旅行、电影...等等,我很喜欢和学员大聊你感兴趣的各式主题。 我会配合你的需求变更课程内容,让课程更轻松日常一点,主要透过有趣的活动,像是故事朗读、口说游戏来让你练息。另外,语法、听力、写作、阅读等,或是更正式的课程也都没问题,请让我了解你的需求。初学者~
Hi! I’m Lan, a native Southern Vietnamese speaker. I have been a dedicated and qualified teacher since 2008 and I have helped hundreds of students successfully improve their English and Vietnamese speaking skills. I’m an honest, creative, and friendly person. I’m also very open-minded and respectful of different opinions and ideas, so you can be relaxed, comfortable, and yoursel
SELF INTRODUCTION I'm an English teacher and author currently living in Canada. I teach language learners of all ages and all levels in one-on-one sessions as well as in group workshops. I also do writing tutorials for conventions and tutor students of all ages at local libraries. I also make videos online about language and linguistics. My interests are video games, manga, anime, and music. BACK
Hi, I’m Kim, your friendly Canadian English teacher. I live in Ontario, Canada now but I grew up in a different part of the country, the province of Nova Scotia, by the Atlantic Ocean. I’ve travelled across Canada in planes, trains, and automobiles. I’ve also lived on the Canadian prairies and in the Canadian north. I love food, music, reading, sewing, plants
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