Apply Now To Be 1 Of Our 10 Fortune Telling Students!
Selected students will be eligible to take 2 online Fortune Telling session free of charge.
As a bonus, we're giving away an additional session if you post public feedback after your first session!☆
Lesson scenes
Fortune Telling session feedback
Interesting. if you want to see your life from diffelent viepoint and want to know something about Mantra, this lesson will be helpful.
***ko Davy
I had Ana's sessions twice, and in both sessions, she was very professional and knowledgeable. I wanted to get some ideas on what 2018 was like to me, so I asked for the reading of the progression chart rather than the birth chart, and she was flexible to accommodate my wants. In yesterday's session, I learned about the cycle Sun Moon in the progression and that was very fascinating to me. The session was very meaningful, and brought the awareness of what to observe in my life. Thank you Ana!
She is kind and made me calm feeling. She read in my energies like an open book. Many things she just confirmed to me, many things new she helped to reveal.
I want to recommend her, as gifted and able to do her service.
Thank you very much, Himika-san.
Everything Veronica read through tarot for me made sense and very meaningful. The readings she sent me via Skype message are very in detail and easy to understand. I have already requested another reading for other thing. Look forward to it.
Online Fortune Telling Tutors
Application Period: December 23th (THU) - December 29th (WED)
Category :
Fortune Telling
- Students who are interested in before Fortune Telling but haven’t taken a lesson
- Students who have taken a lesson before but were hesitant about continuing
- Other
Selezioni: Massimo 10 persone
Come funziona
- Dopo aver effettuate le due lezioni lascia i propri feedback che sarà poi pubblicato sul sito di Cafetalk, avrai un'altra lezione omaggio a scelta.
Condividi la tua esperienza su Facebook o Twitter saresti apprezzato/a, ma non richiesta.
Regarding lesson tester tickets:
please note that lesson tester tickets can't be used for tutors you have already taken lessons with in the past.
Modalità di candidatura
Candidati online compilando i seguenti dati
- Domicilio fiscale
- Data di nascita
- Presentazione
*Si segnala che le opportunità di monitoraggio potrebbero essere cancellate se nessun candidato che si dimostra essere idoneo.
*Please note that only applicants selected as lesson testers will be contacted by Jannuary 5.
To find out more about Cafetalk see here. here
Prenota una sessione di consulenza se hai bisogno di aiuto nel scegliere tutor, lezioni o hai bisogno di aiuto su qualsiasi cosa.
I experienced the Vedic Astrology reading for the first time. I had received a document that explained Vedic Astrology, how to ask a question and so on. It’s all written in English. So the lesson is for you who want to learn about Vedic Astrology, practice reading English and know about your future.
During the lesson, I was asked something like “What happened between 2008 and 2010?” So, it might be better to write down what happened to you in the past briefly.
Overall, I learned what is the most important thing to do right now, so it’s really great to know.