Apply Now To Be 1 Of Our 10 Cooking Students!
Selected students will be eligible to take 2 online Cooking lessons free of charge.
As a bonus, we're giving away an additional lesson if you post public feedback after your first lessons!
Lesson scenes
Keiko Y 先生のレッスンは1年ほど前から受講したかったのです。今回、お野菜をたくさん頂いて、さばききれなかったので、急遽SOSの形で予約させて頂きました。多重構造の無水鍋は使っていたのですが、野菜の切り方、重ねる順番、塩の量、水の量、全てが新鮮で新しいアイディアでした。受講後、お野菜本来の甘い匂いがキッチンに充満して、ほわわーんん、と優しい気持ちになりました。本当に受講して良かったです。次回もよろしくお願い致します!
I enjoyed Keiko's cooking class very much. It's a great lesson for learning more about Japanese cooking styles, and Keiko is very helpful when cooking with her.
Online Cooking Tutors
Application Period: January 25h (WED) - January 30th (MON)
Category : Cooking
- Students who are interested in before Cooking but haven’t taken a lesson
- Students who have taken a lesson before but were hesitant about continuing
- Other
Selezioni: Massimo 10 persone
Come funziona
- Dopo aver effettuate le due lezioni lascia i propri feedback che sarà poi pubblicato sul sito di Cafetalk, avrai un'altra lezione omaggio a scelta.
Condividi la tua esperienza su Facebook o Twitter saresti apprezzato/a, ma non richiesta.
Regarding lesson tester tickets:
please note that lesson tester tickets can't be used for tutors you have already taken lessons with in the past.
Modalità di candidatura
Candidati online compilando i seguenti dati
- Domicilio fiscale
- Data di nascita
- Presentazione
*Si segnala che le opportunità di monitoraggio potrebbero essere cancellate se nessun candidato che si dimostra essere idoneo.
*Please note that only applicants selected as lesson testers will be contacted by February 2.
To find out more about Cafetalk see here. here
Prenota una sessione di consulenza se hai bisogno di aiuto nel scegliere tutor, lezioni o hai bisogno di aiuto su qualsiasi cosa.
It's more fun than reading a recipe book.
Because I can really see the steps to make it and I can ask questions.
It motivates me to practice my English more.
Thank you very much.