Why is it important to learn English?
This is a question that many young English learners are continually asking without getting a real g...
Dean William
(滿滿劇透,慎服) 二訪北京的衝擊)原來有這麼多我聽不懂的中文)、想逃離一下現實生活,加上仙女姊姊之美,開始在Netflix上追了這部長長的陸劇「玫瑰的故事」 不免俗地開頭有些灑狗血,結婚登記當場悔...
English articles about Japan ー Japan Today
https://japantoday.com Reading news in English is a great way to practice your English skills and k...
Vicky B
You’re probably challenging the wrong way!
As you know, the Japanese チャレンジする is often used with the meaning of to try, to attempt, to tackle a...
Hi everyone! It's Zia with another false friend example:Have you ever been guilty of this one? Eng...
Are you looking for an experienced and friendly English teacher who understands the challenges Japa...
Enhancing Your Delivery in Conversations!
When speaking in English, what you say matters, but how you deliver it can make an even greater imp...
Passion, Professionalism, and a Commitment to Your Success
Teaching has been more than just a profession for me—it’s a lifelong passion. With five years of ex...
Probability - Dependent Events
I have ust finished a lesson with my student and I want to post this video just in case they want t...
大家新年快樂!我們來聊聊台灣的農曆新年吧! 嗨!各位同學們,新年快樂!?? 日本的新年(お正月)已經過了快一個月,大家是不是還在懷念年越しそば和初詣的感覺呢?今天,我想跟大家聊聊台灣的農曆新年(旧正...
Intonation in Powerful Communication
Why Intonation is the Secret to Powerful Communication When we read aloud or engage in conversation...
欢迎阅读 Haruka 的中日双语专栏! Harukaの中日対訳コラムへようこそ! 我会在这里用中文和日文写一些简短的文章,记录生活的片段和心情的点滴,感谢您的阅读。 如果您正在学习中文,希望我...
Haruka Yao
How to Sound like an English Native Speaker
Hi all! It’s Zia with another great tip! Using idioms is a great shortcut to sounding like a pro...
Hi all! Who is your role model? A role model is a person who you have a lot of respect for beca...
年前的整理潮, 許多人在分享跟整理、斷捨離有關的文章, 也是我蠻有興趣類型的文章, 大概針對某些物品的整理做了一些搜尋, 也被厲害的演算法記住了, 推播了我幾回「恩珠的房間」, 說是「最近狀況不好的...
How to say "Cry over spilt milk" in Japanese?
Hey everyone! This is Yuka, a new Japanese teacher. I love to read the column about language, "How ...
Yuka Kato
Image: My father and I (during a trip to Manitoulin Island last year)When I was a child, my role mo...
Zach McLaughlin
Why we take things for granted? And where does the joy of my uniqueness reside?
Critical Thinking in English Language Learning
Critical thinking is key for ESL learners, helping them analyze, interpret, and respond effectively...
What Topics or Hobbies Do You Like to Discuss in English? Let’s Chat!
Learning English is more fun when you talk about what interests you! What topics do you enjoy discu...