(生花の驚くべき効果)Amazing Effects of Fresh Flowers
Amazing Effects of Fresh FlowersMy English Broadcasting bellow:https://stand.fm/episodes/6237eb3c38...
Teacher Asuka
Who is the person you admire the most?
Who is the person you admire the most? For me, there are two answers to this question depending on...
Stephen Brivati
Ranked Top Most Repeated Art lessons!
Hello everyone! I have recently been ranked the Top Most Repeated Art Tutor on Cafetalk!! I can'...
Nicholas W.
There are many ways to improve our language skills. One of this is to write daily. You can do this ...
ウクライナ支援チャリティーイベント開催しました! 今できること、、、私にはTシャツとかお箸とか物として生み出せるものは無いけど、踊ることで支援ができる! ウクライナには、好きなダンサーがい...
みなさま、こんにちは(^^♪今日はショパンのノクターン 第2番を連弾でお届けいたします。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcqZpb8MMh0ノクターンという言葉の解...
The best part of being a tutor
Hi everyone, Greetings from Shirin! An interesting question once again.What can I say, other than t...
Idioms are present in every language and they are always very confusing for the beginners. French i...
한가람 미술관 + 테라로사 카페 ハンガラム美術館 + テラローサカフェ
예술의 전당 / 한가람 미술관서울에 있는 예술의 전당에서는 공연도 볼 수 있지만 '한가람 미술관'이라는 미술관도 있어서 전시회도 볼 수 있어요. 4월 10일까지 '앙리 마티스 ア...
中国語文法講座丨以前vs从前「Koko的中文教室」 时间名词“以前”和“从前”的意思一样吗?你知道它们的区别吗?我们一起来看看吧! 時間名詞「以前」と「从前」の意味は同じでしょうか。二つの単語の違い...
Chinese Culture---How To Address People in Chinese
When Chinese people exchange greetings, they often address others by using their family name with t...
Jessica H
Brand new GROUP LESSONS allow people to brainstorm and work together!
Starting next week, from the 22nd of March, brand new group lessons will be launched on my Cafetalk...
Viktoria Schlachta
Lu G
講師の皆さまのための、気楽な相談室(^_-)-☆ 好評頂いております。
Being a Tutor: Always a Unique Experience
The best thing about being a tutor is knowing that every single lesson is a unique experience. Ever...
Pilar Barrera
An Animated Video on the History of English
Hello everyone!I have a fun and informative short video about the history and evolution of the Engl...
Tracy R.
What is the best part in being a tutor?
What is the best part in being a tutor? Apologies to everyone for my late blog. For three weeks I h...
Stephen Brivati
The best part in being a tutor
The best part in being a tutor is being able to teach and share your knowledge to others. For me, t...
Tim A.
The best part in being a tutor...
L’argomento di questa settimana è “Qual è la parte migliore di essere un tutor?”. È difficile trova...
Laurin N.
Which word is a synonym of Anxiety, Worry or Nervousness?1. Apprehend 2. Apprehension 3. Both 1 and...
What is it in a "Nothingburger"?
Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome back to Yishu’ column! Today we are gonna talk about a very inter...
Yishu H.
The Beautiful RosesMy English broadcasting below:https://stand.fm/episodes/622ea1e89893100007b427ce...
Teacher Asuka
Sharing a message to the world “Thank you Cafetalk!!”
日英バイリンガル講師の スティーブン 孝之 シャレットです。 私は、20年前に来日して以来、バイリンガルという事もあって、これまでに英語の個人レッスンのリクエストをたくさん頂いてきました。時代もあっ...
Takayuki Charette
Do you celebrate Easter in your country?
In the Philippines where majority are Catholics, two religious events are celebrated each year. Th...
Do you know this useful idiom "on the spur of the moment"? If not, take a look at the video.
John Nanakamado
Food photos from the best restaurants in Milan *DROOL!*
Hello everyone!Last week, I spent a few days in Milano with my mother! She flew in from Lebanon, an...
These guys are amazing creatures. So kind hearted and intelligent. Do not believe everything you re...
Today, I am introducing the phrase ‘the plot thickens’. It’s a light-hearted way of saying that a s...
Yishu H.