As you probably know, task 2 writing essays are notoriously difficult to write correctly, and this ...
Mark Roy
Jokes About my country and culture.
Jokes that describe my culture. My initial (first) reaction to this topic was a feeling of uneasine...
Stephen Brivati
Outstanding: 目立つ、際立つ、優れた、傑出したWatch the video to learn how to use "outstanding".
John Nanakamado
Cancer Pre-Screening Japan Vs. Canada
Today, I had my first set of Cancer pre-screening / prevention tests today. I had four cancer scre...
【中文歌】玻璃心 (Bo Li Xin) – Namewee (黃明志) Ft Kimberly Chen
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
お疲れ様です、Yoshiです。 英語学習者のみなさん、英単語をたくさん覚えるのって大変ですよね。 語彙を増やすのは永遠の課題でもありますが、Yoshiがいまだによく使う、語彙を増やすとって...
Yoshi Sensei
The World Series! The USA always wins.
How many countries play baseball in the World Series? Only one, the United States of America.
Tou Xiong
Most jokes about Canada and Canadian culture are about the snow, the animals, hockey, or people bei...
Zach McLaughlin
IELTS- Academic Writing Task 1 Essay sample
So who is taking their IELTS exam soon? If you are struggling to study academic writing task 1 and ...
Mark Roy
How do say "目立つ" in English? Watch the video to find out.
John Nanakamado
11歳の生徒さんが英検準2級に合格しました。Mちゃん、本当によく頑張ったね!本当に教えた甲斐がありました。嬉しかったです!I want to congratulate my student f...
Life is a task that cannot be shared with anyone. Rachel de Queiroz Rachel de Queiroz was a promine...
Angélica C
みなさま、こんにちは。英語と日本語講師のリナです。 「phrasal verb」をご存じですか。 日本語では「句動詞」と言ったりしますね。 「動詞+前置詞」や「動詞+副詞」のセットで、1つの...
Rina A
I took this photo at the Vancouver airport. I arrived here from my city, Toronto. Notice the beaut...
Kevin O.
How do we say two things are the same in some ways, but different in some ways, in English? Take a ...
John Nanakamado
I found my Bulgaria Yogurt Commercial! ブルガリア ヨウグると の コマアシャル!
Hi Cafetalk Community!How are you? I hope you're doing well! I hear it's getting chilly over there....
Lady Ayame
I run a foundation that empowers less privileged girls. In the year 2016, during our annual event f...
This week’s column topic is The best compliment you have ever received, so for anyone studying Engl...
Zach McLaughlin
Journey into the Artworld! - November - Scribble Art and Hidden Designs
Hello everyone! When the world feels crazy and erratic it may feel difficult to be creative and mak...
Nicholas W.
MY TOPIC THIS WEEK: 5 Habits for Enjoying a Healthier Life
To live a long life, most people need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The sooner you do it, the bet...
Teacher Dante
【YouTube】Adele - Easy On Me 演奏動画&解説動画
Adeleの新曲『Easy On Me』の演奏動画&解説をアップしました!とても美しいナンバーです。洋楽もポイントを押さえるととてもかっこよく歌えます。ぜひ一緒に練習してみてください♪リクエスト...
Yukina Kita
When talking about flowers students often say things like "the cosmos is blooming" or "the roses ar...
John Nanakamado
お疲れ様です、Yoshiです。 英語学習者のよくある悩み、 「英語がすらすら出てこない」。 勉強と練習をすれば少しずつ改善しますが、 実は英語がすらすら話せないのには 大きく分けて理由が...
Yoshi Sensei
What is the best compliment I have ever received?
What is the best compliment I have ever received? This week’s topic is another doozy. I think the c...
Stephen Brivati
Interesting English references: King Cnut and the Waves There are uses of language which make use...
お疲れ様です、Yoshiです。 今回はロンドン在住のYoshiが現地で実際に経験した、 イギリス人のユーモアのセンスについてサクッと触れます。 Yoshiは週に数回ジムに通っているのですが...
Yoshi Sensei
氣溫逐漸下滑的秋冬季節,又到了年底忙碌的時刻,我們都要把自己照顧好,把最重要的人照顧好喔!:)-------------------------------------------- 好好(想把...
Black Awareness Day in Brazil - November 20th
In Brazil, Black Awareness Day or Black Consciousness Day (Portuguese: Dia da Consciência Negra) is...
Angélica C
Reading is usually associated with silence, a quite space in a library. But did you know that read...
Teacher Hanne