颱風 ㄊㄞˊ ㄈㄥ tái fēng 受到颱風的影響,今早花蓮下起一陣大雨,感受到一絲颱風的氣息。 回想起來,去年和前年都沒有颱風過境台灣,今年這個颱風——璨樹颱風,應該是最靠近台灣...
(ありがとう日記はいかが?)Why don’t you keep a grateful journal every night?
Here's my latest English broadcasting below:https://stand.fm/episodes/613b88694a8aba00068fd47a He...
Teacher Asuka
Think Small to Accomplish Big Things - Michael Phelps talk
What small things are you going to do to accomplish big things? What small things can you do today,...
Cecily G.
とあるメールにあった「A penny for your thoughts」って?【イディオム表現】
こんにちはSaoです先日、めっちゃ久しぶりにメールを開いたら結構な量のメールが溜まっておりまして・・(笑)で、その中に某青い鳥のSNSからのメールが来ていたのですが、件名に”Sao A Penny ...
MY TOPIC OF THE WEEK: 5 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Work-Life Balance
5 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Work-Life Balance Having a healthy work-life balance is so desirable t...
Teacher Dante
Congratulations user906780 for passing the C1 DELE Exam (Spanish Government)!
Hi user906780!Congratulations on your well-deserved success, you worked hard and got your reward.I...
Raul Barrera
「一期一会」 「二度あることは三度(四度も)ある???」 ーフランコとの不思議な出会いーつくつくほうしのコーラスが夏の終わりを告げていますが、みなさんいかがお過ごしですか? 前回のコラムの募集テー...
很多外國朋友來到台灣旅遊,一定會到鼎泰豐吃一籠小籠包,才算是完成了願望清單。你知道嗎?其實除了小籠包,鼎泰豐還有很多值得嚐一嚐的美食喔!推薦料理一:「排骨炒飯」(páigǔ chǎofàn) 香氣...
Explore Africa - Nigeria the Giant of Africa
I am sure most of you have definitely heard about Nigeria either on the news or on the internet bu...
Nice places to visit in England
In my opinion, one of the best counties in England is Dorset. Home to many popular beaches as well...
Is English Verb Tense Driving You Crazy? (you ain't alone!)
Verbs have been called the “action words” in an English sentence, and they actually have 5 separate...
Arthur Heffelfinger
The African Continent: diverse cultures in countries
Celebrating the African week on Cafetalk is a delight for all users to know more about the continen...
Sarah Nam
Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4353981 Gregory's Girl is a Scottish film fr...
Remember to believe in yourself and to love yourself. Have a nice evening:))
YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK. You can do that thing , you have the strength to overcome that pro...
Cooking TV Shows: A Fun and Delicious Way of Learning
(Photo by Kevin Phillips) I think that a fun, interesting (and certainly delicious!) way of learnin...
Pilar Barrera
Nassif Zeytoun is a Syrian singer, and he was born in Daraa (درعا )city in the south of Syria septe...
Najada J.B
The Caldor Fire (near Lake Tahoe)
The Caldor Fire is one of the wildfires burning in California now. It is very sad to see. It is nea...
Cecily G.
こんにちはSaoです今回は、「うわこの人めっちゃ英語が出来そう!」と思われるような英語の表現をご紹介致します☆今回ご紹介するのは、Right off the batです聞いたことある方もいらっしゃる...
(読書の効果)Effects of Reading - Bibliotherapy
Here'sTeacherAsuka'sEnglishWAVE✨✨ You can listen my English broadcasting as soon as visit below:ht...
Teacher Asuka
When I was living in China, I took a trip to a mountainous part of Chongqing. I planned the trip in...
Cecily G.
At the beginning of my sophomore year in college, I had to report a week early to go through music ...
Lisa D.
You too can come see why Cameroon is unique
Visiting Cameroon is like visiting the entire large continent of Africa. This is because Cameroon i...
Sarah Nam
There is beauty in the unknown. An abyss of things that are untold. One may find an angel untied, o...
Tim A.
Afghanistan and English Language Usage
I’m certain that those of you who have read my Cafetalk biography can guess my feelings about the A...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Hi all,Interested in reading English passages and articles but feel overwhelmed by the vocabulary a...
我が家には3匹の親子チワワがいます。(ここから完全に擬人化になりますが) 最初は、1匹の女の子だけでしたが、一人だけだど寂しそうに見えて、多頭飼いを考えていました。相性のこともあり、彼女の自分の子供...
Topic Turnaround: Turning My biggest PET-Peeve into Success
I hate losing.The countless hours spent on stressing, retracing and emotional investments are often...
Teacher Dante