Academic IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 samples
The bar graph illustrates statistics concerning individuals in the UK who consumed five or more por...
Mark Roy
I found another コダック コマアシャル Japanese commercial!
Dear Cafetalk Community,As you know, YouTube is a treasure trove! I am finding many of my commercia...
Lady Ayame
日中単語丨中日文同词不同意的单词总结 (二)「Koko的中文教室」
日中単語丨中日文同词不同意的单词总结 (二)「Koko的中文教室」 学习汉语的时候,你一定发现了汉语中有很多单词和日语一样。但是,它们真的一样吗? 跟Koko老师一起总结一下这些单词吧!
Academic IELTS Writing Tasks 1 and 2
The floor plans detail a home at present and its planned renovations. Looking from an overall persp...
Mark Roy
Ana Maria Machado was born in 1941 in Rio de Janeiro and is, alongside Lygia Bojunga Nunes and Ruth...
Angélica C
The "straw" that broke the camel's back~
I've heard this idiom many times before throughout my life. It is a mistake I made when learning my...
Kelly Hartnett
Lu G
新宿御苑のスターバックス (Starbucks in Japanese Garden)
11月末の日曜日、お天気が良かったので、新宿御苑(しんじゅくぎょえん)を散策しました。 新宿御苑は大都会の真ん中にあります。地下鉄丸ノ内線の新宿御苑駅から徒歩5分です。広くて自然が豊かな美しい公園で...
Yumi in Tokyo
カフェトークの皆さん、こんにちは。タイ在住、2年目を迎えた英語・日本語のバイリンガル講師、Keiko Davyです。今日は今週のコラムのテーマ「語学学習で経験した面白失敗談」というのに合わせてコラム...
Keiko Davy
Often Japanese people say "I can speak English a little", but there is a better thing that you can ...
John Nanakamado
Making Mistakes and Language Learning
Funny Mistakes Experienced In Language Learning. It is really important to be able to laugh at ones...
Stephen Brivati
Clarice Lispector (1920–1977) was a Ukrainian-born Brazilian novelist and short story writer acclai...
Angélica C
Academic IELTS Writing Tasks 1 and 2 sample essays
The bar graph details the changes in travel habits by fives different modes of transport in both 19...
Mark Roy
Take one step at a time until you reach your destination. You may take big leaps or small steps, it...
Christmas Movies and Music I had a lesson with a student this morning and he asked me what kind o...
Greg R
Christmas is a month away and there's plenty of Christmas music playing on the radio and in stores,...
Zach McLaughlin
As you probably know, task 2 writing essays are notoriously difficult to write correctly, and this ...
Mark Roy
Jokes About my country and culture.
Jokes that describe my culture. My initial (first) reaction to this topic was a feeling of uneasine...
Stephen Brivati
Outstanding: 目立つ、際立つ、優れた、傑出したWatch the video to learn how to use "outstanding".
John Nanakamado
Cancer Pre-Screening Japan Vs. Canada
Today, I had my first set of Cancer pre-screening / prevention tests today. I had four cancer scre...
【中文歌】玻璃心 (Bo Li Xin) – Namewee (黃明志) Ft Kimberly Chen
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
The World Series! The USA always wins.
How many countries play baseball in the World Series? Only one, the United States of America.
Tou Xiong
Most jokes about Canada and Canadian culture are about the snow, the animals, hockey, or people bei...
Zach McLaughlin
IELTS- Academic Writing Task 1 Essay sample
So who is taking their IELTS exam soon? If you are struggling to study academic writing task 1 and ...
Mark Roy
How do say "目立つ" in English? Watch the video to find out.
John Nanakamado
11歳の生徒さんが英検準2級に合格しました。Mちゃん、本当によく頑張ったね!本当に教えた甲斐がありました。嬉しかったです!I want to congratulate my student f...
Life is a task that cannot be shared with anyone. Rachel de Queiroz Rachel de Queiroz was a promine...
Angélica C
みなさま、こんにちは。英語と日本語講師のリナです。 「phrasal verb」をご存じですか。 日本語では「句動詞」と言ったりしますね。 「動詞+前置詞」や「動詞+副詞」のセットで、1つの...
Rina A
I took this photo at the Vancouver airport. I arrived here from my city, Toronto. Notice the beaut...
Kevin O.