OK, in real life, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten really strange food. However, in books… Now, that’s...
Pilar Barrera
(真剣さがもたらすもの)The Power in Real Earnest through Olympic Games– Memories of a Summer
You can listen my latest column as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/610ff0dc9a2fe9...
Teacher Asuka
How do I know that the summer is here? When I put on my summer clothes and go for a swim or a stro...
Hello! everyone. I hope you're all well. 先週は夏休みをいただいて、イングランド南部にあるドーセット州に行ってきました。ドーセット州にはユネスコの世界遺産に登...
For those of us who live in the southern hemisphere, summer is far away. Still, I can’t complain ab...
Pilar Barrera
(右脳人間?左脳人間?)A person who thinks with right- brained or left-brained
Here's Teacher Asuka's English Wave: the latest English Broadcasting belowhttps://stand.fm/episodes...
Teacher Asuka
(食事の大切さ)Importance of our daily diet--in the field of ‘Psychiatric Nutrition’(精神栄養学)
You can listen my latest column as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/610290e016765...
Teacher Asuka
Gregos e troianosLiterally - Greeks and Trojans.Meaning - Two opposing groups or people who have di...
Angélica C
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is a great pleasure to be here with another installment of Crazy And Funny Fa...
Lyston G.
Sherlock Holmes: logical or intuitive?
I have taken the subject for this week, and extended it to the world famous fictional detective, Sh...
Are You a Logical or Intuitive Thinker?
Are you a logical or intuitive thinker? It seems to me this week’s topic is rather tricky! I am n...
Stephen Brivati
I enjoy reading all kinds of books. Perhaps surprisingly, I do not tend to read contemporary novels...
Once upon a Time: The Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales
A glass slipper, a poisonous apple and a magic mirror, a prince who is a frog, a house made of ging...
Pilar Barrera
Greetings,It's getting terribly hot, isn't it?Well, I had a vague idea what a 'bucket list' was, bu...
Stephen Brivati
Here'sTeacherAsuka'sEnglishWave: my latest English Broadcasting below:https://stand.fm/episodes/60f...
Teacher Asuka
Comanda is a card to control orders in bars, restaurants etc. In many bars and restaurants in Brazi...
Angélica C
Thanks for the triple anniversary!
世界に散らばる生徒の皆さん、こんにちは! cafe talkでのレッスンを提供を始めて、一年を過ぎました。 そしてこのたび、事務局から生徒を惹きつけるユニークなレッスンを提供する先生に贈られる、"R...
I used to have a bucket list. It was there in the back of my mind waiting. It contained things like...
Pilar Barrera
東大の研究によれば、 老化細胞を除去する薬を発見したそうで、 そうなると、老化を止められるということになりそうです。 アメリカでは、がんについて臨床試験が始まっているようです。 老化が止めら...
Expressions in Brazil with the word "chá"
Chá de bebêIt is a 'baby shower', a party for a women who is going to have a baby. Her friends take...
Angélica C
STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH (and other weird English expressions)
Hello again, everyone – I must apologize for not “keeping up” on my tutor’s column… and this expres...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Ahhhh… if I could magically make true one wish, it would be to be able to read every language in th...
Pilar Barrera
Of course, I have many big wishes. These include things like world peace, ending environmental dest...
Stephen Brivati
I have studied and lived abroad three times in my life. Through those experiences, I could give man...
Becca Beth
“But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to th...
Pilar Barrera
(人生で見つけたいもの)Find what brings you joy in life
Here's Teacher Asuka's English Wave.You can listen my latest column below : https://stand.fm/episod...
Teacher Asuka
Plate of shortbread. By User:Dave souza - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/i...
ガチャガチャって知っていますか?Do you know Gacha‐Gacha?
みなさん、こんにちは!先日はカフェトークアワードの投票、コメントありがとうございました!嬉しいコメントが多く感激しました!Hello everyone!Thank you all for votin...
I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to be careful who you trust. Different countrie...