初めまして!SAYAKAです! オンラインレッスンの実際を皆さんに紹介したいと思います!その前にメインの画像はお友達が書いてたものなのですが、、、悪意ありますよね〜実際の私はこんなにムキムキでは...
さくら舞い散る中に 忘れた記憶と 君の声が戻ってくる 吹き止まない春の風 あの頃のままで 「さくら」by ケツメイシ奈良のさくら、舞い散る。この季節は雨が多く、春の強い風が吹き荒れ、せっかくきれい...
(モンテッソーリ教育)Let the Child be the Guide
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below.https://stand.fm/episodes/6068884f2769540d19a91...
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is an honor to be in your esteemed company. I hope you are all doing excell...
Lyston G.
This Sunday it's Easter. Easter is celebrated in Christian countries around the world. It's on a di...
Vicky B
Spring is my favourite season out of all four. The temperature is comfortable, the birds are singin...
Good morning, everyone!Spring has come. It's a beautiful sunlit view out there. What are you u...
Emi Mori
MY SPRING MEMORIES: Recommended Cherry Blossom Viewing in Kyushu
Welcome to the Spring Wonderland of Japan Japanese Cherry blossoms are a shade of pale pink, white...
Ishibutai Tumulus,Asuka,Nara.The cherry blossoms ...
(スペイン紀行3/海外での苦労話)My 3rd Diary in Spain
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/60573fb48db9632b541bb...
Teacher Asuka
さくら ひらひら 舞い降りて落ちて 揺れる思いのたけを抱きしめた 君と 春に願いしあの夢は 今も見えているよ さくら舞い散る SAKURA byいきものがかり ...
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is my sincere hope that I find you well. I have been going through all the prev...
Lyston G.
このパフェ、気分が上がる⤴︎⤴︎ This parfait pumps me up, you know!
Hammock Cafe in my town. Not only hammocks but also parfait are famous. I really like dessert tim...
Takako. M
英語で「一万」は何と言いますか? 「一億」は? 日本語から英語に数字を翻訳なのは複雑ですね。 100 = one hundred 1,00...
Vicky B
(スペイン紀行2)My 2nd Travel Diary in Spain
You can listen my English broadcasting as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/6050a85...
Teacher Asuka
Conversational English - Let's Make It Easy!
In their effort to improve their conversational English, some of my students have recently requeste...
Arthur Heffelfinger
国際女性月間! International Women's Month!
We changed it from ONE DAY to ONE MONTH! Let's celebrate and show our strength and our compassion f...
(スペイン紀行 1 )Unforgettable memories of my stay in Spain♪
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/6044e5f02d51f411ac2b...
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. What an honor it is to be back. I hope you have been enjoying the previous sizzli...
Lyston G.
ミーティングを手配するための役に立つなフレーズ: 1. いつがよろしいでしょうか? When is good/convenient for you? OR ...
Vicky B
(英国留学体験記#2♪)My Diary of Study Abroad Experience#2♬
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below:https://stand.fm/episodes/6043465f52e33e593e0d7...
Teacher Asuka
日本語講師の新着講師ランキング(Ranking)に入賞しました! ※3月5日現在
初めまして!「 Yuka777 」(ゆか)と申(もう)します。今週(こんしゅう)の日本語講師(にほんごこうし)の 「新着講師(しんちゃくこうし)ランキング」の5位に入賞(にゅうしょう)しました!とて...
一年前,我还在菲律宾的一家美国IT公司工作,由于疫情的关系,我决定暂时先回日本。但何曾想到疫情远远没有结束。知道cafe talk也是机缘巧合,有位朋友一直在cafe talk上英语课,她建议我去教...
Eki Shou
Time flies, it really does. It's been already a year since I started teaching on this website. I st...
Riku Rick
bored = つまらない感じを感じる boring = つまらない感じを感じさせる 例:Her presentation was boring. The employees were ...
Vicky B