よく使う商品は、どれくらいの価格か だいたいわかっているものですが、 何か欲しいものがあって、でも価格がよくわからない時、 とりあえずネットで見て、最初に見た価格が「普通かな?...
Our Superheroes are our Daddies
Dear sons and daughters, I will guide you in the way of wisdom and I will lead you in upright paths...
「Hitoshi先生のリズム世界紀行 Vol.3」6/27(土)11:00開催です♪
皆さんこんにちは!月一月末土曜日開催のライブセミナー企画、Hitoshi先生のリズム世界紀行 Vol.3 『多くても3音!』手拍子や声を入れる場所が変わると音楽の世界が変わる!16分音符編 を日本時...
Hitoshi (Zin Ogawa)
Thank you so much! Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!!!!
Hello Dear Cafetalk Students!Thank you so much for taking my lessons. I have reached another ...
Lisa D.
Where the Sunset's Core is Found
Summer with You Summer breeze has been swaying I could feel your warmth my dear Though ...
Tee Rex
That Kind of Coffee. by T.Rex Lately...I've been holding myself back From sipping a cup of cof...
Tee Rex
My Grand First Love, Piano... by T.Rex When I was a young lad, I found my very first lov...
Tee Rex
A Look Back at June 1 ~ June 7
Hello, y'all!Kebii sensei here! How's everyone doing?I hope everyone is doing well and keeping them...
Foods The Queen Forbids The Royal Family From Eating and COUPONS!
Hello Dear Students! Have you ever wondered what kind of food the Queen of England, Queen Elizabet...
Lisa D.
My life philosophy is 'live every day as if it was your last'. I spent about 15 years of life...
私の所属する、おとあーと研究室でテレワークにて、『うちで踊ろう』を演奏した??作品が、視聴回数3000回を突破しました❣️小さな画面で、一人一人、面白い事をやっていますので、チェックしてみて下さい ...
Yasuko sax
Nao Melodica
Article: Japanese Man Learns English for Tokyo Olympics
Hello Everyone!I found this article while browsing the other day and thought I'd share it with you....
Tracy R.
ED/NEWS/TED-ED Talks for Intermediate and Advanced Students! Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!
Hello Dear Students, I have just added new talks and subjects to my TED/NEWS/TED-ED Lesson. &n...
Lisa D.
Hello everyone,I hope all is well.I have created a few new lessons to help you to improve your Engl...
Rosanna Walrond
A Game You Can Play at Home with Your Children!
Hello Everyone!Have you ever played Simon Says? I bet some of you have heard of this game. I've see...
Tracy R.
Reading the News - What is News Literacy?
Part of news literacy engages with critical thinking skills to judge news reports and decide whethe...
テレビを見ていたらペット保険のCMをやっていました。 ペット保険自体は以前からありますが、 テレビCMではあまり見たことがありませんでした。 やっぱりステイホー...
☆ 久しぶりの絵は私の犬♪ I painted my dog Karin ! ☆
”stay home"で家にいる時間が増えました。 皆さんはいかがお過ごしですか? 私はほとんどの時間をレッスン、料理、掃除・・・などをして過ごしています。そして、久しぶりに絵を描きました!私...
Takako. M
皆様 お元気ですか?日本中が協力して、人と人との接触を避け、感染拡大予防をやってきた成果が、近頃ようやく数として現れてきました・・・!! これからもまだ気は抜けませんが、頑張りましょう・・・一刻も早...
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know!
Dear, readers. It feels good to be back with another installment of Funny And Crazy Facts You Sh...
Lyston G.
15 interesting facts about English!
15 interesting facts about English! The two most common words in English are I and you. The USA...
Mister Martin
The interesting and beautiful Japanese language ﹆﹆﹆JUKUJIKUN﹆﹆﹆
皆さん、こんにちは!今日は、ちょっとした豆知識を投稿しますね。******************************* ****日本語好きの方は是非是非 読んでくださいね***********...
English Boost Tip #3: Watching with Subtitles
If you're stuck at home these days, you're probably watching a lot of TV. For a lot of people TV ti...
What's your favourite subject? Your answer to this can change your life!
Some students can automatically tell you what's his/her favourite subject is - I was like one of th...
Elza B
Let's see the bright side and make use of the time, potentially wasted, NOT.
Recently, when I was hearing one of my favorite Podcasts when driving back home, I came across a ve...
Riku Rick
How to self study English between Cafetalk classes!
How to self study English between Cafetalk classes! Learning English or any language is difficult ...
Mister Martin
Comfort in these COVID-19 times
Are you anxious? Worried? Don't know what to do? Don't know where to turn? Need comfort? I have cre...
Rosanna Walrond
Takako. M
A few reasons why should I learn English?
A few reasons why should I learn English? My name is Martin and I am from the UK. I live i...
Mister Martin