I am now available for lessons for more hours per day, especially on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesda...
Mark Roy
Do you think this elephant is speaking Korean?
I don't hear Korean. Do you? http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/science/2012/11/video-this-elep...
Vacation dates: 6am (JST) 18th Oct - 6am (JST) 24th October 2012
This is just to let you know that I am on vacation from 6am (JST) on the 18th October until 6am (JS...
Mark Roy
Check out my most popular lessons.
Hi, please check out my most popular "Speak to me!" lessons. The lessons are general conversation l...
Mark Roy
I have changed the length and price of my "Speak to me!" class to 50 minutes long and only 2000 poi...
Mark Roy
The summer is nearly over, I would love to discuss with you how you have spent your summer and how ...
10% discount for August on ALL lessons
Hi, I have extended my discount of 10% off lessons for all of August. Please use the coupon code be...
Mark Roy
14 days left of my 10% off offer on all lessons :)
Hi,AS from today (17th July) there is still 14 days of 10% off all my lessons using the coupon code...
Mark Roy
10% off all my lessons in July
I offering 10% off all of my lessons for the whole month of July. I look forward to meeting some ne...
Mark Roy
Wow that was painful. I got stuck in CyberSpace and couldn't get free, but now the geeks from Ca...
Hello! I hope everyone is well. For the last week or so I have been busy with teaching and also wit...
Steve M
Hello everyone. I hope the typhoon is not affecting you too much! It has been very wet today. Maybe...
Steve M
Hello, hope everyone had a good weekend! The weather wasn`t so great here... but I went to a new bu...
Steve M
Good evening! How is everyone tonight? This week there were good waves every single day, so I was v...
Steve M
Hello! How was everyone`s weekend? I checked out a new BUTADON restaurant in Obihiro City...
Steve M
Hi! Just to let you know I have created a new class... English for... PRO-WRESTLING! A conversati...
Steve M
セキセイインコの話 A story of a budgerigar
イギリス人は野鳥を保護しようという意識が非常に高く、あちこちの家の庭に鳥達に餌を与えるためのバードテーブルやバードフィーダーなどが置いてあります。 ...
Yukari Maller
Hi, my name is Steve M. I currently live in a small town near Cape Erimo in Hokkaido, Japan. It is ...
Steve M
うちには毎日いろいろな所からの配達人が来ます。 その中によく見かける人のよさそうなおじさんがいます。とても愛想のいい人なんですが、前に1度驚かされたことがあるんです。 イギリスに引...
Yukari Maller
先週の日曜日に Amberley という村のおもしろイベントに行ってきました。 “The Great Amberley Cow Hunt2012” ”En...
Yukari Maller
みなさん、今年のお花見はいかがでしたか。 桜の花を見ると、ああ春がやってきたなって実感しますよね。特にイギリスに来てから、私も春はやっぱり桜だなと思うようになりました。(本当は花よ...
Yukari Maller
Using the new version of SKYPE and sharing your screen.
Many of us have now updated our SKYPE programs only to find that screen sharing is not available. I...
Mark Roy
What is an April's Fool? Want to talk about Easter? Spring Break? The titantic? Charlie Chaplin...
10% off all my lessons and trial sessions added for all
I have reduced the price of all my lessons by ~10%. Most of my lessons were 2,200 points and they h...
Mark Roy
Watch the man walk on his toes. Incredible! http://www.smithsonianchannel.com/site/sn/home.d...
Added availability for w/c 20th January
Hi, due to a temporary change in my schedule for next week, please see additional availability time...
Mark Roy
"Surely as cometh the Winter, I knowThere are Spring violets under the snow."- R. H. New...
Please check out my interview....
Last week I was interviewed on Cafetalk about my teaching style and lifestyle here in Thailand. If ...
Mark Roy
Reflections on the Japanese Garden
Dream Window: Reflections on the Japanese Garden: Sneak Peek
There are so many holidays and festive events at this time of year. We could sit and discuss the...