Talking about weather in English (verbs): Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, we looked at verbs for rain and snow. Today, we will continue by taking a...
Zach McLaughlin
你最喜欢中国哪个美食?What's your favorite Chinese food?
Idioms describing knowledge in English
English has and uses a lot of idioms in daily conversations and business meetings. Here we look at ...
读中国唐代大诗人 李白的诗poem《早发白帝城》 zǎofābáidìchéng
《早发白帝城》(早に白帝城を発す)李白 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 zhāocíbáidìcǎiyúnjiān , qiānlǐjiānglíngyírìhu...
Prepare to talk about Money. Intermediate level conversational practice.
You could use these materials to help you prepare for a lesson talking about money. Remember you ca...
Staying Motivated or Staying Disciplined? モチベーションか規律か?
Setting resolutions is something I enjoy, but keeping up the motivation for them often becomes tric...
Learning anything is tough work. But trying to master a language might be one the most difficult th...
Amy Jost
Common idiomatic expressions of time.
Time is one of the most important things we can have, use or waste. Did you have a New Year's Resol...
Financial goals can include things that you want to do that relate to money. For example, in the vi...
Idioms and phrases relating to money and finance.
Here are some idioms for you to study relating to money and finance.These meanings have been simpli...
Happy, stress free times in Japan :-)
This was such a fantastic period in our lives.It feels so recently, yet at the same time so far awa...
When I decided to teach Japanese at cafetalk, my tutor told me that it would take some time until I...
How to Articulate Yourself Better for Effective Communication
Being articulate means expressing thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively, using well-chosen wor...
读中国唐代诗人 王之涣的诗poem《登鹳雀楼》dēngguànquèlóu
《登鹳雀楼》(鸛鵲楼に登る)王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 《 dēngguànquèlóu 》 wángzhīhuàn báirìyīshānjìn, huángh...
Старый Новый год. Old New Year
It’s quite unusual to wish Happy New Year in mid-January, isn't it? The Orthodox New Year, also ...
Vera V
A Great Trip Starts with the Perfect Itinerary
From August to November 2023 I ventured on a long trip around Japan. I spent the first 2.5 months ...
Clizia Mondini
Rocket in beautiful Japanese Phrases!! Part. 2
How did you like my last column?➡Rocket in beautiful Japanese Phrases‼Part.1 | Takayo 講師コラム - Cafe...
读中国唐代诗豪 刘禹锡的诗poem《再游玄都观》zàiyóu xuán dōu guān
《再游玄都观》zàiyóu xuán dōu guān 刘禹锡Liu Yuxi 百亩庭中半是苔,桃花净尽菜花开。 种桃道士归何处,前度刘郎今又来。bǎimǔ tíng zhōng bàn shì t...
Photo: my boots, covered in salt, after walking outside for 20 minutes in the winter When snow, sl...
Zach McLaughlin
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (15) 立竿见影 lìgānjiànyǐng
解释: 立起竿子马上就可以见到竿的影子。比喻立见功效。ただちに効果(こうか)が現れるProduce an immediate effect.
Rocket in beautiful Japanese Phrases‼Part.1
Do you use beautiful Japanese, even if it's Japanese language? Many people, even Japanese, do not u...
Decoding News Headlines in News Articles
In this column, I’d like to dive into the art of news headline reading. Headlines are like gateways...
学习俏皮的歇后语Chinese proverbs(2)脱了裤子放屁---多此一举
“脱了裤子放屁”,此话通常用来讥讽别人说话做事画蛇添足、多此一举;与“废话”、“废纸”意思大概相同,用以对说多余的话,干多余的事进行讽刺。 英国女演员Rosamund Pike(中文名裴淳华),在...
Discount Alert! - Stretching, Breathwork, Meditation - Home Exercise Worksheets
Please enjoy this pre-release discount coupon below!These sheets have been a long time in the makin...
News headlines in English may be a little tricky to understand because they are grammatically diffe...
Zach McLaughlin