News headlines in English may be a little tricky to understand because they are grammatically diffe...
Zach McLaughlin
How can I reach advanced level of English?
Hello everyone!Maybe at the moment, you're spending a few minutes a day on apps or the BBC and not ...
CONCENTRATION (Delivered at the Washington Hall, San Francisco, on March 16, 1900) [This and the fo...
We made it through the first week of 2024!Have you made it your resolution to become fluent in Engl...
Kana E.
Make time to study English in your own time.
Even if you set smart goals and don't procrastinate, finding time to have language lessons is still...
春晓 [唐] 孟浩然 春眠不觉晓,chūnmiánbùjuéxiǎo , 处处闻啼鸟。 chùchùwéntíniǎo 。 夜来风雨声, yèláifēngyǔshēng , 花落知多少。hu...
Special lesson on festivals in the UK イギリスの祭日特別レッスン
Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!As you probably know, people in the UK and many other countries cel...
Vicky B
Consistent IELTS Writing Practice
Are you a Future IELTS Achiever? Writing proficiency is a key component of success in the IELTS e...
2023 has been a year of profound transformations and joyful milestones for me. Graduating from grad...
Idioms and Phrases relating to sleep patterns. Upper intermediate Listening Comprehension.
Good morning from Europe everyone. Are you finding settling back into a good sleep pattern for work...
读唐代文学家和杰出诗人 杜牧的七言绝句《江南春》 jiāngnánchūn
《江南春》杜牧 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。 南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。 《 jiāngnánchūn 》 dùmùqiānlǐyīngtílǜyìnghóng , shuǐ cūnshā...
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (14) 不耻下问 bùchǐxiàwèn
解释: 不耻:不以为耻辱;下问:降低身份请教别人。不以向比自己学识差或地位低的人去请教为可耻。形容虚心求教。 No shame in asking questions, even to peop...
My Cafetalk highlights of 2023
2023 was my first year at Cafetalk and I have enjoyed every moment.It's hard to pick out just one m...
Dan H
It's very cold here in the UK, but nothing quite wakes you up and energises you more than a walk al...
After 39 years of teaching English online, and in person, and in 6 countries, I joined Cafetalk as ...
Amy Jost
Start Journal Writing this New Year
In the fast-paced world we live in, finding the time for dedicated language lessons can be challeng...
"Surrounded by idiots" Part 2. Includes audiobook link and shorter video link.
I have finished reading this very interesting and supportive book on communication. I have added a ...
学习俏皮的歇后语Chinese proverbs(1)“擀面杖吹火---一窍不通”
擀面杖吹火---一窍不通 A rolling pin used as a bellows —no use at all.
I have just launched my new package to provide tutorial lessons as an English Language study mentor...
New Year, New Skills: Japanese art
I visited Japan in April, 2O23. Since that trip, I got fascinated with Japan and started to learn J...
Elza B
Be Happy and be Healthy in 2024!It is said that the first step to creating positive change is 'know...
千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。qiānshānniǎofēijué , wànjìngrénzōngmiè 。 gūzhōusuōlìwēng ,dúdiàohánjiāngxu...
"Surrounded by Idiots" Part 1, Improving communication skills.
This year my main goal is to improve my Spanish however I also feel I could improve my communicatio...
Today, I’d like to share with you my latest travel experience and a Solo Female Backpacker. I love ...
Clizia Mondini
Stretching, Breathwork, Meditation - Home Exercise Worksheets - *DISCOUNT*
Please enjoy this pre-release discount coupon below!These sheets have been a long time in the makin...
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (13)有的放矢 yǒudìfàngshǐ
解释: “的”:靶子;“矢”:箭。对准靶子射箭。比喻言论、行动有针对性;目标明确。 正音 “的”,不能读作“dí”、“de”。 辨形 “的”,不能写作“地”。 英语: have a de...
The importance of reading can not be underestimated!
The importance of reading can not be underestimated. I came across this sign while out walking in...
Tanya Forbes
Stretching, Mobility and Breathwork - Pre-Release!!!
It's finally here.My daily routine for stretching, mobility and breathwork.A COMPLETE routine that ...
Are you a Spender or a Saver? Part 2
Please check out Part 1 which was posted yesterday. You have probably spent a lot of money recently...