New Year Resolutions for 2024. Intermediate level
In the many countries people make resolutions in the New Year. These are promises we make to oursel...
10 lessons have been completed!
Thank you students and all,I have already completed first 10 lessons. I did not think I have done t...
Bridget Jones's Diary is a perfect movie for New Years Eve.
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001): A Timeless Romantic Odyssey In the grand tapestry of romantic comedie...
If you want to learn more about Japanese typography, you can check out the following resources!
Konnichiwa, everyone!I am Takayo, a Shodo tutor. Today, for the first time, I decided to write a co...
來自Clau的新年祝福,這一年謝謝大家的支持,未來也要一起加油!新年快樂!新年快乐!Xīngnián Kuàilè!Bonne année !
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (8) 愚公移山 yúgōngyíshān
愚公移山的意思是:比喻做事有十分坚强的毅力和不怕困难、不怕牺牲的精神。The Foolish old Man who removed mountain
New Year resolutions to improve your French
2024 has arrived and after several months of learning, you are still not progressing as much as you...
What are your goals and resolutions for the New Year?Did you know that by September 91% of people h...
Have you been drinking more Alcohol than normal?
Over the holiday season, many people drink more alcohol than normal possibly because we go to more ...
All I Want for Christmas Is You!
Despite having debuted in 1994, American singer Mariah Carey’s hit “All I Want for Christmas Is You...
Kana E.
My 2023 in the rearview mirror
My biggest achievement of 2023 was finally visiting Nova Scotia for the first time in my life. In J...
Zach McLaughlin
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (7)专心致志 zhuānxīnzhìzhì
解释: 心里很专一;注意力集中。致:极尽;志:心意;志趣。 古时候有个围棋高手,名叫秋,人们称他弈秋。他有两个徒弟,其中一个专心好学,棋艺提高很快;另一个虽然也天天听课,但很不专心。他看着老师,心里...
My New Favorite Christmas Song! Is it Yours?
Hello Cafetalk Students!I love many different Christmas Songs and Christmas Carols but a new song j...
Lisa D.
Happy New Year! / Frohes Neues Jahr! / Buon Anno Nuovo!
Hello everyone!We're at the end of another year. As always it had its ups and downs, challenges and...
Emanuel T
Would you like to work in a bar?
What do you know about the most common drinks served at bars around the world?Do you go to bars? Wh...
Exploring idioms and their fun usage during holiday season
Ah, the holiday season, a time to "deck the halls" and spread "good cheer." We're often told to "ri...
Customised Healthy Recipe Sheets - Eat the foods YOU want to eat!
Are you unsure of what to eat to help towards your goals?Perhaps you are very fussy and only like e...
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (6)狼吞虎咽 lángtūnhǔyàn
解释: 像狼虎一样吞咽东西。形容吃东西又猛又急的样子。 正音 :“咽”,不能读作“yīn”、“yè”。辨析:狼吞虎咽和“饥不择食”有相似之处。而狼吞虎咽偏重在外表的形体动作。但“饥不择食”偏重在饿得...
Advanced reading comprehension Gifts
At this time of year, many people around the world send and receive gifts.However, not all gifts ar...
Henry Golding's Christmas ratings. The best and worst of Christmas. Advanced level
Henry Golding is a successful movie star who grew up in England. Here he is sharing the best and wo...
In a world filled with violence and despair, the message of Christmas brings hope to us all. Indee...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Present tense Christmas tasks for beginners
Merry Christmas, here are some fun tasks for you to try. Practice short present tense sentences rel...
ONE IDIOM AT A TIME (5)草船借箭 cǎochuánjièjiàn
My favourite Christmas song - 'Last Christmas'
'Last Christmas' is an extremely popular Christmas song in the UK. It was released in 1984 by the ...
Hannah N
Intermediate reading Comprehension. The 10 best things about Christmas.
Practice your reading comprehension with this article relating to the 10 best things about Christma...
the story of the gingerbread man
Dear students,Merry Christmas! Get ready for a delightful adventure into the enchanting realm of th...
每年公历12月21日或22日,或23日,是中国传统二十四节气中一个重要的节气,即冬至。Today is winter solstice. It is the longest night and sh...