Beach or river: what do you prefer?
Beach or river: what do you prefer? I think all seasons are good. We can find something pleasant fo...
Svitlana Deikalo
Learn Chinese Shantang Street, Suzhou, to travel to Canal Towns in South of the Yangtze 七里山塘
My hometown
Confusing words- Jealousy vs Envy
Hi all, I often come across people who confuse these two words and use them incorrectly. Let's see ...
Guess where this is and get a 20% discount off your next lesson!
Hi there!So, if you have recently had a lesson with me, you will know that I have just been to Engl...
Mark Roy
Finns and Japanese: Surprising Similarities Between Cultures
The diversity of cultures has always been an interesting subject. But it is even more interesting t...
Talking about insects in English: Part 2
Things insects do While some insects fly or hop/jump, most insects crawl. Ex. Ack! A caterpillar ...
Zach McLaughlin
Learning Chinese Chinese traditional colors are very popular recently中国传统色
After seeing the traditional Chinese colors, I know that the colors are not only red, orange, yello...
Talking about insects in English: Part 1
Summer is a busy time for insects. You can hear the cicadas calling and the bees buzzing throughout...
Zach McLaughlin
Scene 1: You work for fund manager Team A. Team A and Team B are fierce competitors for performance...
T Mun Yee
I have met the greatest people in all the wonderful lessons. Thank you all.
Connie Gautreaux
You know that our genetic information is passed down from generation to generation. I want to dare...
horii mitsuru
Keeping Your Child's Mind Active During Summer Break - A Parents Guide
Keeping Your Child's Mind Active During Summer Break - A Parents GuideIntroductionThe summer holida...
Mister Martin
100%Quickly master Chinese Pinyin(Start from scratch) and practice pinyin by tone pairs
I am realピンイン学習に関するビデオ(英語字幕付き、Youtubeは字幕を日本語に翻訳することができる)を作成しました。 発音をキレイにする方法はいくつかありますが、 ピンインの音調ペアの...
[vlog in Chinese ]Learn Chinese food 凉皮肉夹馍鸡汤柠檬水
I am really happy to cook and eat with my friends. 和朋友一起做饭吃饭,很幸福啊!
リフォームなぜそれが間違いなのか これは英語の “reform” から来ています。これは英単語ですが、英語のネイティブスピーカーはこれを使い分けています。 "To reform" は、人の性格がポジ...
Vicky B
Moving from Small Talk to Meaningful Conversations
In today’s column, we’ll explore how to smoothly shift from friendly small talk to more serious dis...
An Introduction to Writing Poems Poetry is a unique literary art form that conveys meaning and emo...
Mister Martin
The people I'm going to see this summer.
Hi, I'm Meg.S.It's been ages since I last posted my column. How've you been doing?As for me, it's b...
Basic Chinese words according to the HSK 1 vocabulary写
According to the HSK1 vocabulary, words are updated every day.
This summer vacation is the first real summer vacation for me - it started early, already in May. I...
Elza B
SUMMER IN SPAIN! Vocabulary and Conversation
Are you planning a trip to Spain in the near future, maybe a summer vacation? Here are some ide...
Hello Students,Here's another one for you. This time, we're not going to calculate a certain measur...
Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is their favorite time of the year, first of all...
Svitlana Deikalo
Learn Chinese Pinyin in 1 minute Putao
Pronunciation skills, do you want to have a beautiful pronunciation
Islander Vacation~Crop Over in Barbados!!! (Culture)
On the beautiful island of Barbados. There are many amazing things but two amazing things are my fa...
Danielle W.
Photo: My Dad, Mr. BBQAlthough I already took a few days off in June to visit Halifax, Nova Scotia,...
Zach McLaughlin
... I would be green. Definitely green. As this is my favourite color. I feel thirsty if I can't se...
Elza B
The benefits of sticking to learning 坚持学习的好处 jiānchí xuéxí de hǎochu
不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。bùjīkuǐbù , wúyǐzhìqiānlǐ ;bùjīxiǎoliú, wúyǐ chéng jiānghǎiNo accumulation of...
WATCH AND LEARN: 10 great English movies for ESL students
Here is a list of 10 great English movies for ESL students to watch to improve their English skills...
Mister Martin