My to convert your temporal world to the eternal
In astrophysics we cannot speak about time while ignoring space, and reciprocity is indeed evident,...
I'm very happy that I met many students so far from all over the world and assisted to improve thei...
Mayuko. Sa
As a child, I always spent my summer vacation with my grandmother and my cousins. We could meet onl...
Tutor Mercy
24 August is the Independence Day of my country Ukraine!
Good day, my dear students! Thank you for always being with me)))) Today is my country's birthday!F...
Svitlana Deikalo
1、公司 (gōng sī ) Company 我非常喜欢在这个公司工作。 Wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān zài zhè gè gōng ...
Jessica H
Thanks to all the students who have helped me make my 2nd milestone. It has been so much fun gettin...
Connie Gautreaux
Where did you spend your summer vacation?
Where did you spend your summer vacation? I found it a little bit interesting that this week’s topi...
Stephen Brivati
Where did you spend your summer vacations? -In Ukraine!
Summer is a wonderful time of the year. And I spent this summer vacation in Ukraine, in my native v...
Svitlana Deikalo
Recently, I moved to an other town in Japan and I had to quit the school where I worked. I started ...
Learn Spanish with me from today! :-)
Dear All, As you know, in August, we have Latin America Campaign here, at Cafétalk! https://cafetal...
Elza B
Cafetalkのイベントです! 8月26日に日本の「夏の行事」と「昔話」をテーマにしてオンラインでシンポジウムをします! 参加は無料だそうです!無料だそうです!(大事なことなので2回言いました) ...
33% OFF Fun English (キッズ Kids) !!
Hi Moms & Kids,Are you looking for a fun English session for your kid exclusively? Check this o...
Cindy Colijn
Merit of CoachingEnglish broadcasting below: To...
Teacher Asuka
Hiroto の Talk Live 特別編:個人旅行で登る富士山!(個人旅游爬富士山!)
8月28日に「個人旅行で登る富士山!」というテーマでライブ配信を行います! 富士登山に先立って調べたことや、実際に山頂まで登った経験をもとに、いろいろと情報をシェアしようと思っています。 皆さんの...
Travel romance story - Magic beginnings
The firsts. These are the most magical times. No assumptions, no expectations, just a piece of blan...
Fiona C.
Are you familiar with such a situation, when your friends are given money by their parents or they ...
Svitlana Deikalo
In a recent column titled Scary movies, I used words like scary, terrified, freak out, fear, and ha...
Zach McLaughlin
For an Englishman living in Kyoto, which temples have a great atmosphere and which don't? Watch the...
John Nanakamado
Good vocabulary can help articulate what you wish to say better. So, How can you learn vocabulary e...
On 15 August 2021, the Taliban entered Kabul and took control of Afghanistan.Over the last year, hu...
A popular summer sport/game in my country
I'm from Canada and a lot of people go to the beach during summertime. I see many people take part ...
Nadine Flores
Directed by: David Fincher Released Year: 2014 Country: United States of America Genres: Thri...
Laurin N.
Did you buy red apples? You want to take action and move forward. Did you wear a gray sweater? You ...
Svitlana Deikalo
If you have already been in Provence, you have probably seen people playing pétanque.In most Proven...
A popular game you would play in summer in your country
Summer in Ukraine is very warm, the weather is sunny. Neither adults nor children want to sit in th...
Svitlana Deikalo
Photo byJan Baborák onUnsplash I came across a TED-Ed video recently called “Why sitting is bad fo...
Zach McLaughlin
아빠, 집에 안약 있어요? 爸,家裏有沒有眼藥水? 있어, 아빠 책상 밑 서랍에 있는데 가져다 줄게. 有,爸書桌下邊的抽屜裏就有,我拿給你。 저 눈이 너무 건조해서, 정말 못 참...
A Popular Game You Would Play in Summer in Your Country.
A Popular Game You Would Play in Summer in Your Country. This is quite a difficult topic! In fact, ...
Stephen Brivati
The Mystery of the Viennese Waltz
Hello everyone, I am Stephen Takayuki Charette, the orchestral conductor. Today I would like to sha...
Takayuki Charette