Have Fun With English Conversation By Improving Your Speaking Skills
Greetings ! You want to improve your English ? Maybe you need to improve English for your job. T...
Lydia Mendivil
There is no better way to improve your language skills than to invest time and effort and stay comm...
Idiomatic Sentences for English learners and IELTS Students
Short idiomatic sentences are often used by native English speakers when communicating. For IELTS s...
Rain, rain go away... or stay if you like
I’m a fan of rainy days as long as I don’t have to leave my house. Sitting inside while it’s pourin...
I've been a lover of rain for as long as I can remember. A lot of people would think that is ridi...
John Nanakamado
In the state where I live, we don't get a whole lot of rain. In fact, the natural color of the gras...
Lizzie H
Zoom webinar- on IELTS Speaking Part 1, 8th June 20:00-20:50 Japan time
Hi everyone.I'm holding another IELTS Speaking Webinar on Wednesday 8th June at 20:00-20:50pm Japan...
Mark Roy
English Studies - staying consistent
Here are some quick tips to help you stay focused on your English studies. Figure out what days of ...
Jessica H
I know my Grammar and Vocabulary but I still can't SPEAK IN ENGLISH in practical situations
Many language learners have shared that they have learnt grammar and vocabulary when they were in s...
Something I Would do on a rainy day
Something I would do on a rainy day? Rainy days are miserable aren’t they? I really dislike the rai...
Stephen Brivati
Start learning Italian with a 30% discount coupon !The offer is valid for the lessons held between ...
アビラの風景をもう少し載せようと思います。夜のカテドラル(大聖堂) Yemas de Ávila(ジェマス・デ・アビラ)という黄身と砂糖を混ぜたお菓子がアビラでは有名です。 アビラのRenf...
Photo from DH News Rainy day box When I was an elementary school student, everyone had a rainy day...
Zach McLaughlin
Photo by Mr Xerty on Unsplash I came across the following interesting quote recently: “Many people ...
Zach McLaughlin
Rooibos and Honeybush tea from the tip of Africa
Rooibos tea and Honeybush tea is made from endemic South African plants that grow in high mountain ...
Teacher Hanne
How to THINK in English - Part 3
Keep track of your Progress. Once you decide to start thinking in English and stop translating in y...
How do you find peace in yourself during the pandemic?
Thanks for reading my article today.I talked about reading and the great writer I love yesterday. T...
Yishu H.
イタリアンといえば、Tiramisú!Centroにある、Terra Míaという、イタリア人の方々が経営しているレストランです。 Pizza napoletana でした。美味しかった。 イタ...
Tea the British Way! British Tea Slang.
I'm British, so I think I know a thing or two about making a decent cup of tea.1. Boil the kettle. ...
How to THINK in English - Part 2
Have small Conversations with yourself in English Some significant advantages of using this techniq...
WRITING a journal DAILY. What should I write about?
Writing daily is a good exercise to keep your English in check and achieve consistent practice. Kee...
How to THINK in English - Part 1
Translating from your mother tongue to English is a frustrating feeling when it comes to learning E...
中国人爱喝茶。我家也不例外。况且,我还有一个爱茶如命的老爸。我从小学开始喝茶,并跟着老爸学习了泡好茶,选好茶。一边喝茶,一边闲聊,喝茶重在过程:烧水,洗茶具,闻香,最后才是喝茶。 去上海读...
Yishu H.
I just read that this week’s topic would be on TEA and it wouldn’t be ME if I did not blog about on...