One of the best ways to relax is to read a book. Some people can do this on their computers; I find...
(繊細さん)What’s Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
My English Broadcasting as follows:, everyon...
Teacher Asuka
私は手帳は、グーグルで管理しています(^^)/手帳は家に忘れたり、書き忘れたり、なくしたり、、、覚えてますか?N5の文法 [ーたりーたり]もうすぐバレンタインデーですね!日本では女の人からチョコをあ...
Hi everyone! Do you like to keep organized? When I started living in Japan, I was amazed by all ...
Lizzie H
Mi piace pianificare le mie giornate. Per pianificare le mie giornate e impegni uso una classica ag...
Laurin N.
カフェトークの皆さん、こんにちは。タイ在住のバイリンガル講師、Keiko Davyです。今週、お休みを頂いてタイの東北地方イサンへロードトリップへ来ていますが、今日は第6日目、第7日目の報告です!興...
Keiko Davy
***Our Research Paper Published in Prestigious International Scientific Journal***
After over two years of hard work researching and writing, my two colleagues and I have finally got...
Marina Marie
Lost in Translation? Reading books from other languages.
I recently finished reading Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata (コンビニ人間 - 村田沙耶香). Typifying th...
Reading aloud and working on your pronunciation can help to improve your clarity in real conversati...
Keeping a schedule the old school way
I’ve tried and failed at a few different ways of keeping a schedule. I used to buy an annual diary ...
You might have heard of the online word game Wordle, or you might have tried it yourself.I decided ...
Audrey オードリー
English has many interesting weather sayings. One is that every cloud has its silver lining. This i...
Dear Cafetalk Community,How are you doing? I hope you are having a good day! I'm doing great! It's ...
Lady Ayame
Who loves an old-fashioned diary?
I have a schedule that changes every week. To keep on top of it, it's of the utmost importance that...
Dear learner, Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Every mistake is a proof that you’re learning an...
Scheduling is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and priorities...
Tim A.
How do you keep your schedule? Hand writing or on a laptop?
How do you keep your schedule? Hand writing or on a laptop? I think this question is a bit of a no-...
Stephen Brivati
Talking about habits and routines in English
This week’s column topic is How do you keep your schedule?, so for anyone studying English, here ar...
Zach McLaughlin
The Art of storytelling through Art
It is said that even before Man started to talk, he learned to Draw. The below cave painting found...
Over the last two years, the number of people that have changed their lifestyle has skyrocketed. Pe...
(良い結果を生み出す大切な思考)Important mindsets for good results -through The Winter Olympic Games
Here's my English Broadcasting below:Thank you for listening✨✨
Teacher Asuka
文章難度:高級上一篇我們談到,台灣華語和中國大陸的普通話聽起來之所以不太一樣,有一個很大的原因是同一個字的標準聲調不同所致。(註一) 這一篇繼續聊聊另一個差異,即單詞或物品名稱的差異。這個差異大...
오랜만에 뮤덕(뮤지컬덕후)의 취미생활 뮤지컬 '레베카'를 보고 왔습니다. 저는 앞에서 1~4번째 줄이 아니면 안 본다는 철칙이 있어서, 뮤지컬 예매하기가 하늘의 별 따기입니다...
今週のテーマですぐに思い浮かんだ歌、アンジェラ・アキの「手紙~拝啓 十五の君へ」ひさしぶりに改めて聞いたら涙が出ました。私も、15歳の自分へのメッセージを考えてみました。Dear 15-year-...
What a sweet opening of the love month for me! After four and a half months, I achieved another mil...
홍대에 있는 카페 '공미학'에 다녀왔습니다.약간 한국적인 인테리어가 매력적인 곳이었어요.음료는 다소 비싸지만(6,800원) 맛있어서 돈이 아깝지 않았습니다 :) ...
More often than not, many small actions are required in order to complete a given task. In fact in ...
Cafetalkにて、レッスンを50回実施させていただきました。 たくさんの講師、レッスンがある中でご縁をいただき、 とても感謝しております。 記念に割引クーポンを発行させていただきました。受講...