Dear students,Today I reached the milestone of 200 lessons on Cafetalk! Thank you! When we reach a ...
Cecily G.
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know.
Dear, Readers. I hope I find you well. The weather is good in southern Thailand. I am excited t...
Lyston G.
Entertainment for your Summer Vacation, part 5!
Hello Everyone!Wow, it's already been a week! Did you have a good vacation? For most of you, the va...
Tracy R.
3 Things To Do in Kagoshima City
Kagoshima city is very famous for the Great Sakurajima, an active volcano on the island of Kyushu. ...
Entertainment for your Summer Vacation, Part 4!
Hello Everyone!How is everyone doing? Are you having a good summer vacation? Hopefully you are desp...
Tracy R.
Entertainment for your Summer Vacation, part 3!
Hello Everyone!Okay, so today for some interesting videos for your summer vacation enjoyment at hom...
Tracy R.
Entertainment for your Summer Vacation, part 2!
Hello Everyone!Hopefully your summer vacation is amazing so far. I know many of you are stuck insid...
Tracy R.
How to use At, On, and In When Talking About Time
Hello Cafetalk!Here's a mini-lesson or quick tip for everyone. The title says it all :)Hope you fo...
Jacqui L.
First Part-time Job: Horse Show Groom
Hello Everyone!This week's topic is asking people to talk about their first part-time job. I didn't...
Tracy R.
Entertainment for your Summer Vacation!
Hello Everyone!I have spoken to several students who are all talking about their summer vacations! ...
Tracy R.
いつも私のレッスンを取っていただき、ありがとうございます。 来週の8月8日から16日まで、日本ではお盆休み(おぼんやすみ)が始まります。私の娘(むすめ)の保育園(ほいくえん)が休み...
Hello Cafetalk!This is just a quick tip on how to use the terms "every time" and "all the time."Whe...
Jacqui L.
私の好きな詩人~i miei poeti preferiti~
7/31で40%offクーポンが切れます(きれます)!!40%off coupon will expire on July 31!st !
以下(いか)のレッスンのはじめての方へのクーポンが7/31で切れます(きれます)! ・はじめての人のためのクーポン【にほんご しょきゅう N5~N4】・はじめての人のためのクーポン【日本語の助詞(...
August Coupons for the lesson of your choice
Hello Dear Students!There are 3 coupons for you to use this month. Would you like to read an ...
Lisa D.
This is just a short discussion about one of my favourite poems by one of my favourite poets, Rober...
Jacqui L.
最近、運転する私の隣で、今年一年生になった息子がいろいろと質問をしてくる。 「マンマ、どらいぶするうって何?」―「運転すること、っじゃないや、車に乗ったまんまするするーって買い物できるところのこと...
月一月末土曜日開催のライブセミナー企画、Hitoshi先生のリズム世界紀行 Vol.4『Clave(クラーベ)』その意味は鍵!音楽のカギとなるリズムを知ってノリにくかった曲がノれるようになる♪ &...
Hitoshi (Zin Ogawa)
いつもFPwomanでコラムを書かせてもらっていますが、 今回からメルマガも時々担当させてもらうことになりました。 私は、コラムとは別の視点からお金がらみの話...
Two of my favourite motivational quotes that I have ever come across
Since I have been in Education and teaching my lovely students of all ages and nationalities, I hav...
A Brazilian Way to Say “What’s Done is Done”
In Portuguese there is an expression used to say that in some situations, there's no point taking f...
Angélica C
Let's have a look at some Idioms using Body Parts:Mouth - Idiom: a big mouthMeaning : To have a big...
私は株主優待目当てでいろいろ株持ってますが、 6月は商品とか配当金とかラッシュでした。 例えば、こんなのもらいました。 これはたくさんある商品から選べるタイプ。 ↓...
I remember my first day at school very clearly. I felt excited and happy. At the same time I was ve...
An Eco-friendly process starts from an individual healthy mind
If we don't feel the self, how can we feel our environment?If we don't recognize and admit our mist...
英語日記添削いたしますー!+”Parasite” Noodles
みなさまご無沙汰しております、カフェトーク講師のMaio614です!この度、新しいレッスンを制作いたしました。その名も:"No-Skype ジャーナリング添削 (250ワード前後) " !!&nbs...