Hello everyone,How are you? I hope everyone is safe.We are concerned about the outbreak of the coro...
Rosanna Walrond
Tourists often don't realize how big my country is.
One thing tourists often don't know about the USA is that it's a really big country. When I li...
One Thing Tourist Don't Know About My Country
Hello everyone,Every country is unique in some way.My country is called Barbados.What is unique abo...
Rosanna Walrond
Hello everyone,Due to the Coronavirus many students are staying home until the issue passes.I have ...
Rosanna Walrond
Riku Rick
(おひな祭り)Doll Festival, Japanese Hina-matsuri!
Hello, everyone. I’m Teacher Asuka. Today, I’m going to explain Doll Festival, we say it Girl’s D...
Teacher Asuka
Learning English Through Story-telling and Acting
Hello Everyone!I found this fun, short article about a group of EFL (English as a Foreign Language)...
Tracy R.
フォーブス誌では毎年 「死してなお稼ぐ人ランキング」 というのをやるようです。 昨年の結果が、先日発表されていたのですが、 1位 マイケル・ジャクソン 2位 エルビス・プレ...
Hello everyone,How are you?For the month of March, I am offering everyone a 25% discount on the 50-...
Rosanna Walrond
Happy 10th Anniversary Cafetalk!!!!
Thank you to all of the teachers, staff and most importantly - the students who make this such an i...
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know!
Hello. It is an exciting day for another fun fact. I come from Africa and I was shocked by this...
Lyston G.
Do you know how to improve the pronunciation of Japanese?
Recently, there have been many people who want to learn Japanese.They study very hard and they unde...
Yukina Kita
台風で被害を受けた高山寺に クラウドファンディングで寄付をしていたのですが、 無事に修復工事が終わったということで、 お礼のおまもりが届きました。 非売品...
Hello everyone, PRE-INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH READERSDo you need more time in a day?Does it feel like yo...
Rosanna Walrond
ちょっと前に見かけた記事です。 ↓ 【朗報】コアラのマーチを買うとオーストラリアの森林火災にコアラ募金される もうご存知の方もいるかも...
Hello everyone,I hope everyone is having a wonderful and healthy day. Today, let us talk about tips...
Rosanna Walrond
Is It Hard For You To Stay Motivated When Learning Another Language?
Hello,Is It Hard For You To Stay Motivated When Learning Another Language?Learning another language...
Rosanna Walrond
Why is your English not improving?
Hello,Why is your English not improving?Do you ask yourself this question?There are so many reasons...
Rosanna Walrond
Do you find it hard to answer questions in English?
Hello,Do you find it hard to answer questions in English?Answering questions in English can seem ha...
Rosanna Walrond
Hello everyone!I find this topic interesting. I had to stop and think of the many Tv shows I watche...
Rosanna Walrond
Cafetalk Day (January 19th, 2019)
Spend Cafetalk Day Learning English With Me January 19th, 2019 Cafetalk will be giving back ...
Rosanna Walrond
Not Everyone can "Let the World Spice up their Life!"
I think I am the only one in the world who can't eat spicy food. It can make me react with a really...
【お知らせ/Notice】2月中旬数日間のレッスンについて/About lessons of mid February.
時々お伝えしている レシートがお金に変わるアプリ「CODE」。 https://code.r-n-i.jp/ 使い始めてちょうど1年くらい経ちました。 1年間...
面白い映画を見つけました。 映画 賭ケグルイ [ 浜辺美波 ] 4,397円 楽天 お金系の人間なので...
みなさん”あけまして おめでとうございます”今年も みなさんと一緒に楽しくLessonをしていきたいと思っております。
私はいつも年末年始 映画三昧で過ごすのですが、 今回見た映画にもいいものたくさんありました。 やっと「万引き家族」見たのですが、 深い~ 万引き家族 ...
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm Teacher Asuka.May the year 2020 be more healthy, wealthy, peaceful a...
Teacher Asuka