氷の世界です。アナ雪の世界ににています。 子供たちが、氷の上で遊んでいます。 滑り台もあります。大人も子供も楽しんでいます。 冬ならではの、スペシャルイベントです。 ...
Makiko Ishibe
マレーシアは一昨日、昨日と中華正月で祝日でした。大晦日の2月15日は、その伝統的なお祝いの祝賀の席にお呼ばれしてきました。 My husband and I were invited to a t...
Keiko Davy
Tomorrow I am very excited to be running the Kyoto Marathon! :-) Although I have ran many Ultra-...
抹茶は、家庭でいれるには難しいイメージですね。 でも、お茶椀・茶筅があれば、簡単にできます。 お茶椀に少量のお抹茶を入れます。テイースプーンだと半バイくらいでしょうか。 お湯を注ぎ...
Makiko Ishibe
Cafetalk day + Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Some of you may know that today is Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival as it is known in China....
Tasty food at 'Gomacro Salon' in Kyoto + schedule open!
Yesterday we took a break in the afternoon to go to the Kyoto Botanical Gardens, and to have a quic...
Yesterday we took some time off to climb Mt.Hiei. This was the first mountain my girlfriend and I e...
The Simplification of Languages
Hello everyone! I have an interesting article for you today, on the simplification of languages, e...
Tracy R.
タイ・クラビへの小旅行 A short trip to Krabi, Thailand
先週末は、タイのクラビへ小旅行に行ってました。ちょっとご報告が遅れましたね!主人のアメリカ人のお友達が遊びに来ていたので、会いに行ってきたんです! It was a bit late to tel...
Keiko Davy
Scientific Health benefits of Tai Chi + Discounted Lessons!
Some of you may be aware of the ancient practice of 'Tai Chi' but do not exactly know what it is. ...
Hello everyone! この度、新しいレッスンを公開致しました^^ レッスン名は Show and Tell (20分版/30分版、両方あります)で、 生徒さんの気に入ってい...
Yesterday we had to attend a business meeting in Hamamatsu, east of Kyoto. As we had the S...
I started to teach Japanese l live in Sapporo which is north part of japan We have so...
Makiko Ishibe
タイプーサム二日目(痛いのがダメな人は見ないで下さい!) Thaipusam Day2 (Not for the faint-hearted))
Keiko Davy
タイプーサム Thaipusam (Hindu festival)
Keiko Davy
こんばんは(^-^) この前、お付き合いしているオーストラリア人の彼に 注意された英語のお話をしたいと思います。 私が「話を聞く余裕がなかった」と英語で I don't have empat...
The crazy things we do for our passions! - Part 2
This time we had to walk for 1 hour in extremely heavy snow to get the bus to go snowboarding. It i...
Delightful food and drink in Japan! - Whisky ウイスキー
Good morning everyone! Today I am going to write about one of the 'hidden gems' of Japanese food a...
手作りクリームチーズとクラッカー Homemade cream cheese & crackers
今週末は仲の良い友達を呼んでホームパーティをしようと、その準備で忙しくしてます。今回は久しぶりに手作りのクリームチーズとクラッカーを作ってみました。 My husband and I are in...
Keiko Davy
Delightful food and drink in Japan! - Mochi
It may seem like an obvious choice for many of my Japanese readers, but 'mochi' is amazing!!!! ...
Lessons for life - 'THE FROG IN THE POT'
Thank you for reading my new column yesterday on 'Delightful food and drink in Japan'! Today I wil...
Delightful food and drink in Japan! - Natto + LESSON PRICE REDUCTIONS!
I have decided to start a new column series today (don't worry - I will be continuing with my previ...
My two favourite places on the planet....
My two favourite places on the planet are as both in Japan. But they could not be more different......
Snowboarding (in Hokkaido) - Yin Yang theory + Proof reading!
Good morning friends! :-) Yesterday we decided to once again take advantage of the beautiful snow ...
Happy Cafetalk Day ! Save 50% thanks to our generous host.
Have you made a New Year's Resolution ? I have made only ONE for this year - to ASK FOR MORE ! I ...
Mr Ian
This place was previously a brewery for the Sapporo Beer company. It is one of the three biggest be...
我が家の食卓 その4 Dinner plates report #4
こんにちは!英語・日本語講師のKeiko Davyです。クリスマス、お正月、それに旅行があったりして、しばらく我が家の食卓レポートをしておりませんでした。久しぶりの更新です。 Hello Cafe...
Keiko Davy
Offline proofreading... easy and convenient!
Hi! Just a reminder to let new and current students know that I offer offline proofreading for ANY...
Mark Roy
Books that changed my life - Part 3
Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a lovely warm day. Today it is -7 degrees here in Sap...
'Yoga for the face and eyes makes women look younger' - Study! :-)
Good morning everyone! As some of you may have already seen - I am a Yoga instructor as a te...