Hello Dear new colleagues, Please, feel free to ask me about Lesson: topics, forms, length. Teachi...
Hello Everyone! It's that time of year again, and everyone is studying for the Eiken test. If you ...
Tracy R.
6 Things to Make You Sound Even Better Than a Native English Speaker!
Over the last few years of teaching, I have found that many of my students, regardless of English l...
Mark Roy
Brain Training For Learning English Vocabulary
Learning a language can require both concentration and the ability to focus on aspects of learning ...
Mark Roy
I am Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk after a long time and my skype account being hacked im back with new...
Websites for English Practice!
I was looking at my old school's website and found these great resources. Below is a (long) l...
Greg R
こんにちは お盆もすぎて夏の暑さも一段落かと思えば まだまだ汗だくになる日もしばしば。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか 最近母方...
20% discount off any lesson for you!
You are welcome to use this 20% dsicount coupon before the end of this month for any lesson.... Tha...
Mark Roy
The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, to do; all action is Karma. Technically, this word...
Bhagavad Gita: Sanskrit recitation with Sanskrit text - Chapter 17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFx1DpvGdpQ Bhagavad Gita: Sanskrit recitation ...
Hello to new students,100% free coupon is until today only, Monday, 15th August. Grab any of my art...
こんな録音もやっております。/ VO: Captain's Announcement
A quick example of what I offer in my voiceover service. My "natural" narration first, and then f...
Ichiro Suzuki An excellent Article on the Great Suzuki!
Ichiro reaches 3,000 hits by following meticulous standards http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/1...
Greg R
There’s an old British custom never to talk about money in social situations. According to th...
Mark Roy
自動車屋さんの話を聞いていたら、面白いことを言ってました。.今の自動車はいろんなボタンがついていて、手動でカスタマイズできるけど(そうなの?)、 IT化によってボタンはどんどんなくなる。コンピ...
What's the most unusual interview question you have ever heard of?
Hi, I am just trying to improve my job interview preparation classes and I am wondering..... What ...
Mark Roy
Hello Everyone! July is nearing an end and August will arrive soon, and with it will come some new...
Tracy R.
The Search for Inner Happiness & Peace
In my free time, I like to search out interesting articles about Japan. I am always intereste...
Greg R
Intonation and Stress in English Words and Phrases
Intonation is not unique to the English language, all languages use pitch to convey surprise, irony...
Mark Roy
Smart Words & Commonly Used Idioms
I ran across this website the other day and thought I would share it with you, but be careful, it c...
Greg R
The Most Useful Business English Idioms
Idioms, in case you don’t know, are non-literal expressions whose meaning is understood cultu...
Mark Roy
朗読・録音サービスやってますよ!/ I do voice-overs!
Japan Values Women Less – As It Needs Them More
I came across this article today and I thought it was important enough to post it here. http://www...
Greg R
7月7日は「七夕(たなばた)」です。 The Star Festival originates from Chinese legend of the two bright stars, Alt...
だいぶ時間があいてしまいましたが、いよいよ三重旅行完結編(かんけつへん)です!最後は鳥羽(とば)です! 鳥羽といえば、鳥羽水族館(すいぞくかん)♪今回は行きませんでしたが、これだけ見てきました...
Breathtaking Hubble Telescope images
Beautiful photos from space. Looking at these pictures always makes me wonder . . . http://w...
Greg R