Hello Everyone! I was browsing through BBC articles and came across this BBC Video about what Amer...
Tracy R.
I believe the sort of sentiment that I introduced in the previous post equally applies when one c...
前回から少し間が空いてしまった。今回の「ハリウッド映画から学ぶ英語」はごく最近の映画、原題Limitlessから。といっても公開されたのはもう4年前の2011年。 売れない作家のEddie、まだ1...
50 Greatest Yogi Berra Quotes - Just For Fun
If ever you get frustrated with English, don't feel bad. Yoggi had the same problem despite b...
Greg R
今回紹介するフレーズは2006年に公開されたThe Departedの予告編から。先にお断りを。この映画は暴力表現が露骨である。予告編は一応誰が見ても良い内容とはなっているが、マフィアによる犯罪行為...
During the course of my 7 years in the U.S., I had come to dilute my near-blind loyalty...
Brad Pittつながりなわけではないのだが今回取り上げる映画予告編は前回のSleepersから5年飛んで2001年に公開されたOcean’s 11。ご覧になった方もかなりいるだろう。...
BBC News: Living the Good Life with Little Money
Hi Everyone! I was browsing through BBC News articles the other day and found this interesting one...
Tracy R.
Even if you have never travelled overseas, you know what kind of emotions the three-word label &l...
This is a great website that gives a quick glimpse of what is happening around the world. http://w...
Greg R
英単語は文脈によってその意味を大きく変える、という事実を以前から生徒さんにお話している。例えば、 The earth’s atmosphere is composed of th...
BBC News - Town Reopens After Nuclear Disaster
Hello Everyone! As I am sure you already known, one of the towns near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclea...
Tracy R.
This is a great video by a young Korean woman. Another student shared this video with me.&n...
Greg R
If you are interested in improving your writing skills, this is a great website for you. The ...
Greg R
The University of Chicago Press Books offers a free monthly e-book. This month, they are givi...
Greg R
9月になりました!日本では防災の日もあるし、防災の月でもあります。 It became in September!To some Disaster Prevention Day in Japan,...
Masumi sensei
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/uncovering-the-long-hidden-secrets-of-stonehenge/ The short article an...
Greg R
US Debt Clock - A Lot of Scary Numbers
If you like economics or are just fascinated with numbers, this website is for you. The Debt ...
Greg R
Hello Everyone! I found this quiz the other day and thought I would share it with you! "How good i...
Tracy R.
idiom: "to cost an arm and a leg"
English idioms sound strange sometimes! There is an idiom "to cost an arm and a leg". It means some...
Cecily G.
I continue to learn from all of you!
I was speaking with a student from Turkey today. She told me about a famous poet from Turkey....
Greg R
How To Learn And Remember New Words
What do you do if you are in a foreign country and you want to order a drink in a café or yo...
Mark Roy
A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush
I have been thinking recently about the proverb: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". It...
Cecily G.
Back to School - Retirement Style
For the first time in 25 years, I will not be getting ready to start another new school year. ...
Greg R
English for Everyone Printable Worksheets
I found this great resource online. It has nearly 40 different topics, each topic having its ...
Greg R
PMA – Positive Mental Attitude
PMA – Positive Mental Attitude I was thinking about the importance of having a Positive Ment...
Greg R
The night I took my students to the Mall of America
On August 11, 1992, the Mall of America opened in Bloomington, Minnesota. The Mall of America...
Greg R