Brazil loses a great writer - Lya Luft
Lya Luft was from southern Brazil, initially had her work recognized as a translator of works by gr...
Angélica C
I am a new Cafe Talk tutor who has just delivered 10 lessons to amazing students! I hope for hundre...
Jemima Burke
Nana, Kyoto
大好きな湘南の神社でおみくじ釣りをしてきました。タコ と フグ をつりましたなんでタコとフグ?って思いますか??タコとフグ … タコフグ… 多幸福 たこうふく(ギャグ?)多くの幸福が訪れるよ...
6 Tips to Improve Your Grammar!
Hello Everyone! It's a new year and therefore time to make New Year's resolutions. I'm sure some of...
Tracy R.
Different Ways of saying that you are sick
Times are uncertain. Many of us may feel ill at any time. In English, there could be different way...
Happy New Year! Did you have a good Christmas time and a New Year? I hope you had a wonderful time...
Listen to a TED Talk weekly - Make this a goal for 2022!
What kind of talks are TED talks? Technology, Entertainment, Design These subject areas are shapin...
新年あけましておめでとうございます。いつの間にか2022年ですね(*´Д`)しめ縄つくりました(^_-)-☆ 寅年です!(とらどし)どんなお正月を過ごしましたか?私はゆーーーーーっくり休みました♪今...
My thoughts about New Year's Resolution
The New year resolution 2022 about myself or yourself is actually the set of commitments that we ma...
Photo: my personal trainer giving me push-ups advice I think that New Year's resolutions are a grea...
Resolutions and Goals for 2022 (Check for a special message at the end!)
What is a resolution? Well, one dictionary definition says, “a firm decision to do or not to do s...
Lisa D.
Photo: Kingston, Ontario When it comes to making resolutions for a new year, I like to plan someth...
Zach McLaughlin
"Canoe Lake" painting by Darrell Bush It’s been pretty cold in Toronto recently, and Covid-19-rela...
Zach McLaughlin
2022年、あけましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year!
あけましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year! May this year be a great one! すっかり新年の挨拶が遅くなってしいました。 皆さん、いかがお過ごしです...
Takako. M
Easing your anxiety by changing your story
It is the beginning of a new year, let’s make this a better year and make positive changes. We can ...
Audrey オードリー
Happy New Year Everyone!I hope you have all had a great New Year's celebration. I know my family di...
Tracy R.
I’m not normally a person who makes New Year’s resolutions, but I think this year I will have to ma...
Thomas the Teacher
What are my New Year Resolutions? NYRs are notorious for not being kept. Some years ago, I came ac...
Stephen Brivati
My New Year's Resolution (with vocabulary!)
I have a confession: every single year I make a resolution, and then forget about it immediately. H...
Kevin O.
For almost four years of teaching ESL online, it was only in 2021 in which I took courage to expand...
(2021年に達成した一つの目標と2022年への抱負)The one goal I have achieved in 2021 and wishes for the year 2022
Teacher Asuka's English Wave, English Broadcasting as follows:
Teacher Asuka
回顧2021 有喜有悲 如果喜字寫在前頭,它一定是比較重要的那一個吧! 喜的三件大事: 1. 非常開心有幾位和我持續學習中文的夥伴們,語言學習,最困難的是「堅持」,所以我為你們每一...
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash The beginning of 2021 was a very uncertain time for me (and most...
Zach McLaughlin
Add a new word to your vocabulary. Word: Replenish ri- 'ple-nishPart of speech: VerbMeaning: To Fil...
When I started out teaching, I realized how difficult it is to get students. My goal was just to ge...
Tim A.
A Goal I Have Achieved in 2021
One Goal I Have Achieved This year. The topic of goals is one of my favourite subjects. As a violi...
Stephen Brivati
(クリスマスに寄せて)☆My Christmas Wishes in 2021☆
(☆The Christmas Wreath in the picture above is made by myself☆)Here's Teacher Asuka's English Wave....
Teacher Asuka
Freedom. To be free once again. As free as we were before pandemic. Free to travel. Without restric...