Me singing Taylor Swift!!!


Hi everyone!

Mai here!

Today I want to share with you a video that I took recently. It is a video of myself covering a song by Taylor Swift called "Blank Space" on my guitar(acoustic). "Blank Space" is Taylor's newest song and it is very popular right now!

I took this video a few days ago. I had to take it over and over because I kept messing up the lyrics or the chords. I think it took me about 50 takes to film one that I was satisfied with. It's a hard song :(

I started playing the guitar when I was a sophomore in junior high. I saw a movie called "Freaky Friday" at the time. The protagonist in the movie is a girl who plays the guitar in a rock band. I thought all the scenes in which she was jamming on the guitar were SO cool and that is why I began playing the guitar.

I've taken classes, I tried jazz guitar in high school (which is very hard by the way), and I belonged to an acoustic guitar club at University. Nowadays, I barely touch my guitar because I am so busy with work, so up until a few days ago it was stashed in the far back of my closet, covered with dust. So I took it out, wiped off the dust and played it for the first time in like, forever.

So anyways, here you go!

Please watch if if you have the time! 

And of course, comments (good or bad) are welcome!!!!!!! :) 

Maybe you can tell me your thoughts about my singing in one of my conversation classes!! :) 

Thanks for reading :)


This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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  • Maio614

    Yuko-san: Thank you so much for watching and for your kind comments! You just made my day :) I'm glad you like "Freaky Friday"! My favorite scene is when Anna (in her mom's body) plays that awesome guitar solo backstage! (during the band's performance in Battle of the Bands)

  • yuko1

    That was awesome!! Beautiful singing and guitar!! Your acoustic version was better than Tayor's for me. By the way, "Freaky Friday" is one of my favorite movies!! I watched it when I lived in NZ, so it reminds me of my life in NZ. Then I watched it over and over on Disney Channel in Japan.

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