Early Bird or Night Owl, to be, or not to be?

Weekly Topic: Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Mark Roy

So do you like early mornings? Are you up at the crack of dawn to catch the worm? Catching worms????? What am I talking about!? Well let me explain; there is a well know English idiom which goes like this: 'The early bird catches the worm'.... you can probably guess what this means, but just in case you are still in the dark (another idiom which means you still don't know what I'm talking about) then let me enlighten (explain to you) you. 'The early bird catches the worm' implies a person who wakes up early in the morning (at the same time the birds normally start tweeting- and I don't mean posting on Twitter!) to start or achieve something before other people wake up, in other words to make the most of their time in the early morning to 'get things done'. I've always considered myself an 'early bird', especially if I have a ton of things to do, and just lately I would call myself this. I know a lot of you are early birds judging by the times I get lesson bookings!

But.... I have also been known to take on the behaviour of a 'night owl'. Now, a night owl is the opposite of an early bird and normally means someone that may sleep until late in the day, say 11am or 1pm, but then stay up and go to bed late... often in the early hours of the morning. As you know, owls are noctural (only active at night) and this is the reason they have those big beady eyes so they can see things from the air in the thick of the night that other animals on the ground can't even see. Did you know that synonyms (words with a similar meaning) for night owl are: nyctophile, nighthawk, night bird, night person, nightjar, or bullbat(!!). I think out of all of these synonyms, I would still rather be called a night owl.... owls are loveable, (easy to love), graceful (having, or showing elegance) and very attractive looking.... I'm not saying I am all of these things but a couple of those adjectives at least... I hope! Anyway, I hope you have learned a few new idioms and words that maybe you've never heard before.

Thanks for reading!
This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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