Reading to Learn New Words [Vocabulary]

Ishan Mainali

In my vocabulary lesson, I do not teach intermediate students vocabulary by using pictures. I teach them new words and phrases by reading a story.

By reading a story, you can guess the meaning of the word by reading the sentence and the paragraph. If the student can guess correctly, that is amazing. If not, we go over the word together. They also learn new phrases.

Additionally, some phrases do not have direct meaning - we call those phrases idioms. While reading a story, students learn the meaning of phrases that are idioms. For example - "it is raining cats and dogs", here, cats and dogs does not mean cats and dogs, rather, it means "it is raining heavily". There is no direct relationship between cats and dogs and heavy rain, but sometimes that is how English works!

Furthermore, when you are reading a story to learn new words and phrases, you are also developing your reading skills. On top of that, you are also improving your comprehension skill (ability to understand sentences and paragraphs).

If you are interested in the lesson, feel free to sign up here -

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尼泊尔语   母语程度
英语   母语程度
印地语   接近母语程度
阿拉伯语   日常会话程度
乌尔都语   日常会话程度
日语   只能说一点


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