Hammock Cafe in my town.
Not only hammocks but also parfait are famous.
I really like dessert time after lunch!
When I eat a bite…
It's so delicious that I can forget everything from daily busyness to things that don't work well!
Oh, I'm so happy~♪
Each part of the parfait is so good and looks beautiful…
・A chocolate orange parfait with balsamic jelly.
・The other one is a parfait of banana and pudding brulee.
I think Japanese parfait looks and tastes good.
Among them, this parfait is special!
It was delicious so I introduced it to you!
It's good to be happy with parfait, isn't it? :)
How do you spend your day?
If you want to have a fun conversation, be sure to try the cafe talk lesson :)
ランチをしてからのデザートタイムがたまらな〜い (^ ^)
楽しいお話がしたいな、と思ったらぜひカフェトークのレッスンをお試しあれ!( ◠‿◠ )

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