(人生で大切なこと/死ぬまでにやること)“The important mindset in life.”

周间主题: Things on My Bucket List

Teacher Asuka

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Hello, everyone. How are you today? It’s Teacher Asuka

Today, I’m going to talk about “The important mindset in life.”

The important thing in life is not “what we should do and how we should do”,
but “do 
what we want to do in life and bloom on our own like flowers”.

If you choose the thing you want to do most, you never regret, and can make your precious experience in life. In short, the only “You”, not the other people, can answer your own life. 

Here’s one of the inspiring films named "MY LIFE WITHOUT ME".

The main character in this film who is a mom of 2 daughters and has a cancer can’t live not more than 2 months. She decided not to tell this fact to her family, and she made a bucket list with 10 special wishes that she wants to realize before dying. Although her life had been going same things again and again, her life has started to change vividly since then.  

From the above, I think people who have a goal or a dream something have a great power to live their own lives. Therefore, having such goals or dreams make our life more fulfilment and fruitful.

Now that we look at how we can find what we want to do. I’ll suggest that you try doing, seeing, hearing, reading, and learning something interesting in every opportunity you have and find the things you are better at than the other people.

Soon you will find your favorites as well as your interests through these experiences.

After finding your favorites and interests, you should cherish them and refine them more, to make your hopes or dreams come true in the future.

For example, some people get up early in the morning to study some qualification tests such as TOEIC for many years, other people read or learn something useful during riding a commuter train, another people stay up late at night to study besides work.

Such continuing efforts and enthusiasms will bring you irreplaceable life in the end.

But remember such people tend to enjoy learning and brushing up themselves in daily life, as the Proverb says, “What one likes, one will do well.”

Thank you for joining me as well.

See you next time.

Teacher Asuka


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  • Teacher Asuka

    You can get a bucket list below: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:16e5048e-ffcf-3aaf-a830-0a082a2b61ef

  • Teacher Asuka

    Thank you for your great comment‼️

  • YOKO369

    Thanks for a great column. It's a great point.

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