BBC News Video: Moving to the Country

Tracy R.

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're all doing great. I know that Covid is making it hard to enjoy life this spring and summer, but hopefully you're finding something interesting to do, like starting a new hobby or visiting outdoor spaces. 

As I was searching around for articles on the BBC, I stumbled across this news video and I thought it would be so great to share with everyone. In the US, there has been increasing awareness about children's need to go outside and play, brought on partly by covid keeping children indoors. But here in the country, we don't usually have this problem. I see children outside playing all of the time and have enjoyed going outside every day myself without worrying about covid. I think there are many benefits to living in the country, and this video demonstrates how moving to the country changed one little kid's life. For being so young, he has some really insightful comments!

I hope you all enjoy the video! What do you think about it? Do you also live in the country? How has your life been different compared to what people in the city have been experiencing the past year? I'd love to read your comments or discuss it with you in a conversation lesson! :)

Have a wonderful day~

*Insightful - having or showing a deep understanding of something

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