Sharing a message to the world “Thank you Cafetalk!!”

每週主題: What is the best part in being a tutor?

Takayuki Charette

日英バイリンガル講師の スティーブン 孝之 シャレットです。


私がカフェトークを選んだ理由の1つは、まず先見の明で、オンラインで世界中の人々に安心してレッスンを提供するサービスに特化しているという点。(特に、今はコロナ禍の影響もあり、この点は非常に重要性を増しています。) また、語学に特化せず、幅広い習い事を1つのプラットフォームで提供する試みも、実際に面白い相互作用を生んでいると感じています。





スティーブン 孝之 シャレット

My name is Stephen Takayuki Charette. 

I am a Japanese-English bilingual tutor.

Since I came to Japan 20 years ago, I have received many requests for private English lessons, partly because I am bilingual. Due to these times, I have only given real (face-to-face) lessons before and had no experience with online lessons.

First of all, one of the reasons I chose Cafetalk was that they specialize in providing a secure online lesson service to people all over the world. This is especially important now due to the Corona Pandemic. I feel that the attempt to offer a wide range of lessons on one platform, without specializing in just languages, is also creating an interesting interaction.

Secondly, Cafetalk has adopted a very generous and unique policy of allowing the instructors to decide the structure and content of their lessons. Of course, this comes with some responsibility on the part of the tutors, but compared to other online lesson platforms, Cafetalk offers a very high degree of freedom, which is always rewarding.

Without a platform that brings out the best of a tutor's work, no matter how good he or she is, he or she will forgo the chance to be introduced to the world.

The best part of being a tutor, in my opinion, is that depending on the encounter with such an awesome platform, the potential to become a great tutor can blossom.

I hope that my column, however small it may be, will serve as a message to the world about the appeal of Cafetalk.

Thank you,

Stephen Takayuki Charette


專欄文章僅為講師個人觀點,不代表 Cafetalk 立場。

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