World Heritage Campaign: Etruscan Necropolis

Laurin N.

The UNESCO site includes the two necropolises of Banditaccia and Monterozzi, the main cemeteries of the ancient Etruscan city-states of Cerveteri and Tarquinia. The necropolis near Cerveteri, known as the Banditaccia, contains thousands of tombs, it looks like a real city. 

The site is 20 hectares large, and it dates back to the 9th century BC.

The characteristic Etruscan tombs are those in the shape of a small house.

The Banditaccia necropolis is a reproduction of the “Città dei Vivi”, the city of Caere. This site represents an exceptional example of Etruscan domestic architecture from the Hellenic period.

The necropolis of Tarquinia contains 6000 tombs dug into the rock. Tarquinia is known for its 200 painted tombs. These paintings are the only important evidence of classical art from the pre-Roman period existing in the Mediterranean basin.

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