Difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them?

Svitlana Deikalo

Difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them?

There are cases when a person spends a lot of time learning a language, but after arriving in an English-speaking country, he finds that he practically does not understand its inhabitants and is unable to communicate with them properly. Such a situation is very upsetting and raises a logical question: what is wrong, what is the error?

Let's figure out what difficulties you may encounter in the learning process and what methods there are to overcome them.

  1. Incorrect setting of the goal. If you did not set a clear goal for yourself before starting your studies, the process itself will not bring pleasure and will be fruitless. First of all, decide why you need English. Perhaps you want to advance on the career ladder or plan to get an education abroad.

  2. Fear of making mistakes. Many people think that they need to speak perfectly from the very beginning of their studies, so they only say familiar words and expressions that they learned a long time ago. But making mistakes is a learning stage. By avoiding them, you lose practice. Little children, when learning to speak, make mistakes often and a lot, but at the same time they do not stop, but continue to learn to speak. And if later there are problems with learning English at school, you just have to overcome the fear of making mistakes, practice constantly and everything will work out.

  3. Lack of self-discipline. Do not miss classes! Every lesson is important in the language learning program. If it is still not possible to get to the class for a good reason, be sure to study the material of the missed lesson at home and note the points that are unclear to you.

  4. The expectation is that you will be taught without much effort on your part. The result primarily depends on you! It is fundamentally wrong to shift the responsibility for learning to the teacher. A professional tutor guides and helps in mastering knowledge. You yourself must be constantly engaged and take your studies seriously.

I have good news - all difficulties can be overcome!!!)))

Difficulties are like a huge sunflower. There are many of them. It seems you cannot pass on it! In fact, it is not! I checked myself))) Rejecting the sunflower - I pass easily! My way forward is free!

The same with you, my dear student! You will overcome difficulties - and that's wonderful!

Let's overcome them together - and go to your dream together))))

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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