Hope you have a Great Year:)

周间主题: Happy New year! For the students who are hoping to start learning a new category, tell them what is great about studying the category that you teach!

Tutor Mercy

Hello Dear Students!

I hope your New Year is going on great! There's been some important things going on in my life due to which I wasn't available for a couple weeks but now I'm all set. I'm ready and excited for more lessons with my students and I'm more than happy to welcome new learners. 

I'm sure you've heard enough reasons why it's important to learn English and how it can unlock new opportunities for you. I beleive that as an individual, you need to have a clear purpose as to why want to begin and once you enjoy taking the sessions, it's easier to stick to it. Consistency is key. 

As a tutor, I aim to build your confidence so that you'll beleive in yourself and master the language gradually. If you visit my page, you'll see that I offer a range of interesting lessons (you can see that for yourself:). I'll see you very soon. Hope you have a great year!

With much love,
Tutor Mercy. 


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英语   接近母语程度
印地语   日常会话程度
韩语   只能说一点


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