Managing Stress of Daily Life

Darren Dugan

Stress can often be a large obstacle for students trying to study. Thoughts about something that is worrying can dominate a person’s mind and modern life can complicate this further. Everyday is full of dozens of different little things that might have gone wrong. If these problems go left unresolved a person’s mind ends up full of worry. This leaves little room to think about and focus on studying.


The first step in managing these worries is to identify them. It can be very helpful to write a diary. If a diary is not interesting a simple list will do. It is important to be open and thorough. Try to pour every thought on to the page. You might be surprised about something you forgot.


After you are done writing everything down read through what you wrote. Ask what on your list is actually important. Also ask if any of it can be fixed. Lastly ask if any of the list deserves your further attention. You should find that these questions help you sort through your worries. These questions should also help you set your priorities.


If something is needed for future attention try writing some possible ways to resolve the problem. Maybe write it as a note somewhere you know you will see. A note in a place you will notice can ease your stress.


After all this, it is helpful to have an activity that helps you relax. Calming music might be something you enjoy. Meditation could be a possible way to ease your mind. Bath, breathing practice, exercise or walking can all be helpful.


What do you think? Do you have methods to deal with daily stress? What helps you in times of strife?

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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Categorie insegnate

Language Fluency

Inglese   Madrelingua
Giapponese   Conversazione quotidiana
Spagnolo   Insufficiente

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