Autumn Festivals Around the World

周间主题: Autumn Festivals Around the World

Chris Lane

Autumn holds a special place in the hearts and calendars of many cultures around the world. This time of year is marked by a rich variety of festivals and celebrations, each one unique and historically rooted. What is it that links them together?

Many of them are connected to agricultural cycles, the time of harvest and bringing in enough food for the long, cold Winter. Examples such as Chuseok in Korea and Thanksgiving in North America, are a time for the people to celebrate and appreciate the success of their hard work through the year.

Elsewhere, as Summer slows to a halt, people come together to celebrate the triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness. Often centered around fire and all that is symbolised in the orange-flamed tongues that crackle and dance into the dark sky. We send fireworks shooting high, to rain down hope and delight on the faces of all who see them. Mexico’s Day of the Dead symbolises renewal, affirming life by honoring deceased loved ones. Diwali symbolises hope and renewal through lamps and fireworks.

In Britain, Autumn is a time of vibrantly coloured leaves, the bite of cold winds as we snuggle up in jumpers and woolly socks, and the biggest bonfire we can make! We celebrate the discovery of a plan to kill the king and blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. A prime example of the triumph of good over evil, I think you’ll agree.

As much as hope, gratitude and triumph, Autumn is a time to gather as one. We celebrate our history, our connections to each other and the land. Oktoberfest in Germany is a time for revelry and beer, communal gathering.

Autumn festivals are a testament to our shared human experience, celebrating life's cycles and the enduring spirit of community.

I’d love to hear about festivals where you come from, let me know in the comments!



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