Today, there was an assassination attempt on Former President Trump

每週主題: What is a current hot topic in your country?

Conversation Teacher Kat

I am awake way past what is my usual bedtime of 8 PM, reading news articles and watching videos on the internet, because something very monumental happened today. Around 6 PM EST, local time, someone tried to assasinate Former President Trump while he was giving a speech at a rally in Pennsylvania. He was grazed on the ear by the bullet, but had he not turned his head a mere moment before, it would have been devastating.

As of this moment, 11:30 PM EST, the motive of the shooter and the name has not been released to the public, but he was incapacitated and the suspect was declared down within seconds of it happening. The BBC released an interview with a bystander that claims he witnessed the shooter "army crawling" along the top of a nearby building, but police and the Secret Security did not respond in time to stop him from firing what appeared to the bystander to be a rifle. 

Internet slueths have determined where the shots came from by comparing the photos of the downed shooter with photos on Google Earth. The question that many people are now baffled by is: why wasn't that building covered by Secret Service before the rally began? The scene is not surrounded by many buildings; the rally was being held in a field. 

There were two casualties at the rally: the shooter and one civilian that was sitting in the bleachers to the left of Trump, and numerous injuries reported by attendees. 

The story of what happened today is unfolding live as many of us go to sleep tonight with questions being raised by both parties in America. The biggest question right now is probably: how is this going to affect the upcoming elections in the States? 

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