How Emotions Confused Our Money Choices!

Cindy Colijn

This book could be the most terrific and meaningful book with the very powerful message for our current and future generations!

I feel that most of us sometime get confused by our emotions and end up speding our money unwisely!

Especially for Moms.. well not all moms, but some moms, When it goes to "Shopping" or "Beauty products". Usually everything looks affordable even for expensive stuff. There are always lots of compromise to own those stuff because simply They feel they "need" it!

Are you sure that you really "need" them?? Come on.. I really mean "really?"

There is nothing wrong at all to enjoy life, but then it could be probably wrong when the time for "Charity" and if in this situation, suddenly we change behaviour and feel like having no money.. That could be a sign "How Emotions Confused Our Money Choice

Nobody wants to be bad people. But sometime Negative emotions lead humanity to the opposite direction. 

Many People are surprisingly able to afford luxury stuff and items, but Then they are still demanding lower education cost and yet wanting to give less for charity. Is this really happening? ????

This tells Why smartphones, Cosmetics, Luxury car, and etc etc seem Priceless and Education seems Costly! 

I think from this book, the message is pretty clear. Even though its not the case for everyone, but some are still having this pschological issue in terms of money.

I heard and read some stories based on true story, some people even sacrifice their daily food and their education for the sake of their particular obsession on other things. That is probably the most scary thing I ever heard!

I do believe that Health and knowledge should be always on Top of the lists in our life. Because those two things cannot just be replaced by money or anything.

I am myself as an Educator, I always promote postive moral messages to my students because I feel that our current generations not only need to be educated in terms of academic, but also morally educated, which i think moral and brain supply are supposed to be balance (^_^)/

Byeeeeeee.......  have a great [anything] to you all




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