
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Robin 讲师的专栏

12th Jan 2014 ~ Where am I? ~


I have been running-around-town these last few days, as my already busy schedule suddenly quadrupled (X4) with important things to do. In the midst of that, from the picture can you guess where I was in Tokyo? 

Sadly it was for work and not pleasure, however I always enjoy being in that part of town. Do you have any favourite spots in your town that you’d like to tell me about? It is always nice when you have a ‘place to go to’ when you want a break from the busy life ~ whether that is a cafe or park or beach or perhaps go for a ride or drive somewhere to ‘clear the air’.

Anyway, I hope you had a lovely day today and do enjoy an extra day off tomorrow, if you have a day off ~

